Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Potential school board vacancies loom as primary ballots go unfilled


Anonymous said...

You don't have enough people because elected officials are treated like dirt in the media and by the citizens. That's the same reason people keep resigning. Who needs that stress? Why would qualified people sign up to volunteer their time for their local community just to be disrespected and criticized constantly? No thank you!

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want to run when the people sitting on both boards are not working for the good of the people they are sitting there fortheir own agenda look at the council they always all vote yes for everything just love to spend the tax payers money

Anonymous said...

I have yet to hear one person say that they resigned from Columbia Borough Council or from the Columbia School Board due to the negative comments on social media. AND if they did resign because of that then they do not belong in a public service position. People today are busier than ever with running kids to sports and working, they have lost interest in doing "volunteer" work for the community. Many are self centered as well. Did you ever think maybe that's why they are not running for these positions? It's easier to "Trump-it" and blame the media. Furthermore the taxpayers have every right to voice their opinion. I will not stop asking questions until the borough stops taking my money. I would not be fulfilling my duty if I did not watch and question where our money is being spent. Sharon Lintner

Anonymous said...

There were residents that have applied for vacant seats on both council and the school board. Some applied repeatedly and were shot down repeatedly. You think they want to continue wasting their time when they clearly are not wanted. Stop trying to blame social media.

Anonymous said...

Great reply Sharon!

What ever happen to campaigning, stump speeches and town hall meetings? If you would have asked me if Kelly Murphy was a man or woman. I most likely would have said a woman, because there is no pamphlets or newsletters delivered or mailed to my home during election season.

All non profits suffer from the lack of volunteering. When you put your name on that ballot, make sure you are fighting for the citizens of Columbia. If you look closely the Council and School Board are stacked on agenda and nothing else.

If not for the Columbia Spy, Columbia News, Views and Reviews and Lancaster Newspaper we would have no clue on progress or regress on local government. Stop blaming the media!

Anonymous said...

I don't care who you put in this position. There is no way to make this work. You can't make the numbers work. Your trying to make a small town with not enough taxpayers fund something that takes too much resources & too much money. The real solution needs to happen now. Force the state to come up with the solution. The only one for us & others in this situation in this state is to consolidate & get rid of the redundant expenses (ie administration, maint., buildings, etc..)

Anonymous said...

They would be crucified if they said that openly, and you know it!

Anonymous said...

agree. let the state step in and FORCE consolidation..NOW. what a freaking joke. you ignorant school board members...i'll never understand how you CAN"T figure this out. the taxpaying homeowners (of which there are less every day, with people losing their homes because of the high taxes) we can NOT fund your craziness. we are poverty town. our elderly can't afford their medicines, they shouldn't have to pay taxes after turning 65. they've paid all thier adult lives. someone needs to fuigure it out. CONSOLIDATE NOW. GET THE STATE INVOLVED. FORCE THE SCHOOL BOARD TO STOP