Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Columbia residents want action against owners of condemned buildings, broken windows, littered sidewalks

Dominating the May 9 borough council meeting were questions and concerns from residents about the lack of code enforcement.


Anonymous said...

Maybe council will get the hint that people are fed up with the slumlords and others thst neglect their properties. Granted some are poor and have trouble making ends meet, but they still take the time and do the best they can do. It only takes one bad property per block to make things look bad. Hats off to those that maintain their properties to the best of their abilities.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the Trolley will avoid these properties....

Anonymous said...

After reading the article in Wednesday Lancaster paper, why is council playing with the Bigler's. $51,000 is not pocket change. And to hear council sat quietly,has me baffled.Come on council, wake up, tell code enforcement to do their job, or replace them.

Anonymous said...

Was out for a walk. Went by 208-210 Locust St. Read the conditions needed to bring property up to code. Whoever does it, has their work cut out for them. Good luck.

Bob Gainer said...

Council needs to step faster and faster on these properties.
Everyone sees these properties including the Trolley Supporters.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of seeing the junk yard still on operation on the 100 Block of Historic South Second Street. Violating Codes and Laws.
I thought the Police and Code Departments worked together yet nothing is done on the local level!
Frustrated and ready to take it further soon.

Anonymous said...

You will never get anywhere in this town. I agree the junkyard is out of control and a hazard both to the residents and the environment.
I'm tired also, SHUT IT DOWN?

Bob Gainer said...

I'm trying!

Bob Gainer said...

Along with Historic Ave J!!!!
I will never give that battle up.
FYI Only the good die young.
Majority wants it closed.
Mr. Murphy?

Anonymous said...

And all weekend is been running, including TUESDAY!

Anonymous said...

Littered Sidewalks ?? Obviously, Columbia Residents really don't care about littering, or else we would demand that our elected officials issue a few fines for littering - just to send a message out to the people on the streets that there actually is a law against littering in Columbia !! Can anyone do a little research ? - just to see when the last time was that ANYONE in Columbia was cited for littering ?? And if the answer is "NEVER" ( which I imagine is the case ) - then frankly my dear , we just don't give a damn !!

Anonymous said...

Some people need to mind there own business and stop harassing people and stalking them