Thursday, April 14, 2016

This Place Matters in Columbia

The First National Bank Museum at Second and Locust recently began displaying a "THIS PLACE MATTERS" logo, which is part of a campaign sponsored by the National Trust for Historic Preservation for Preservation Month in May 2016.

According to the Trust's website: "Everyone has places that are important to them. Places they care about. Places that matter. This Place Matters is national campaign that encourages people to celebrate the places that are meaningful to them and to their communities."


Sharon said...

A beautiful building! Thanks Nora for keeping it otherwise it may have fallen into the wrong hands and become another slumlord's property.

Anonymous said...

What a joke! Sadly it matters more to the community than it does the owners. 15 plus years of plywood, really?

Bob Gainer said...

Lord,,, another Negative Nellie.
Yes it matters, yes it's awesome that Nora still maintains it!!
The doors are no one's concern unless your the owner.
How dare you be so sarcastic without knowing the facts behind preserving the DOORS.

Anonymous said...

Is it a public safety hazard of egress since it is open to the public?

Anonymous said...

maintains it? surely you jest. the doors have been like that for at least 15 years. it's not like it s been 2. the downtown is coming alive but this is an eyesore. not sure why the codes dept can't do anything about it. i don't think her parents would be trilled with it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you worry about the doors, how about the big eyesore up the street. 10 months and nothing done. Has he pai the boro any money yet towards the flagger force group that directed traffic? I believe he was going to reimburse the boro.

Bob Gainer said...

I never JEST. Nor do I speak for the deceased,
Shame on you.

anonymous said...

I heard he won't be paying the boro back. He didn't hire them, the boro did and it was unnecessary since the building didn't fall. The boro overstepped the boundaries on this one.

Anonymous said...

I generally don't respond on these things. But, as an outsider looking in, the plywood, spray painted black cover over the doors IS ugly. It has been like this for many, many years. It's ridiculous. Fix them, replace them, apply for grant money, whatever. They could have an awesome business with bank tours with all these out of towners/staters. At the same time, the code dept SHOULD DAILY do a drive thru or walk thru of the downtown area - like the 100-200-300-400-block of Locust St. Cite for trash and rubbish laying all over the sidewalk weekly and NOT in cans with lids, cans that sit all for days at a time, weeds on sidewalk, dog waste on sidewalks, or porches that look like perpetual yard sales. It's WAY past time to let ALL offenders know, that the Boro will NOT tolerate the trash, rubbish, filth anymore.*On a positive note, I love driving the downtown area in the evening and at nighttime, love to see all the properties who leave exterior lights on, wish ALL would do it. The new street lights do NOT throw off anywhere near the same amount of light. Some areas are very dark.

Bob Gainer said...

It may not be attractive but the plywood is protecting the Original Doors.
Restoring them will cost a bit.
Replacing them should not even be considered.
Can anyone imagine the effort it takes to maintain the rest of that property?
I'm sure if it was such a simple and affordable restoration it would be done.
Grant Money,,,, I'll let that one pass.
Let go of the bank museum and yes follow up with the rest 9f the problems listed.
And not just DOWNTOWN.
Again, it's great we still have the Bank Museum!! Thank you!
Perhaps a fund raiser is in order with proceeds going towards the restoration,, with no strings attached.
Think people,,, think!

Joe Lintner said...

Columbia Spy received the following comment:
Hey,this is Nora Motter Stark, and I would like to address the relentless questions about our corner exterior doors and the ongoing restoration work. "Why is it taking so darn long???" Well, unfortunately, it's not just a matter of some basic,simple repairs. It's difficult complex carpentry trying to carefully match the beautiful old black walnut wood details & mouldings & given the age of the doors (bank doors are over 160 years old and main house doors are 202!). Probably only my Mom & Dad could truly appreciate the financial, mental & physical challenges of the level of restoration we are attempting to achieve, BY OURSELVES, on all the exterior doors & the entire property for that matter! They started it all back in 1958 and we are trying our best to maintain and continue their legacy! (And yes, I am pretty sure they would be very proud of what we are trying to accomplish so, please stop saying such ridiculous and mean remarks about "what would her Mom think"...that's such an unkind thing to say,Folks!) Luckily, I am married to someone who can do this kind of work really well and I learned a few things growing up at Motter Supply Co from my Mom & Dad, so when we are finally "FINISHED", those exterior doors & whatever else we are able to complete, will be ready to last another 160 plus years! In the meantime, please just keep those tours & words of encouragement coming! It's going to take a huge amount time, energy, & $$$$ to restore them & do the endless amount of other projects we would like to complete hopefully, in our lifetime. If anyone would like to donate towards our efforts, of course, we would be very grateful and appreciative. Thanks so much for your patience and support,(especially Bob Gainer & Sharon)! This place, this community, and the story of it all & our family, matter to us very much. We are doing our best to make it last and be beautiful! P.S. We offer FREE tours for children enrolled in the Columbia School District. Others by donation. Thanks~

Bob Gainer said...

No thanks needed,,,
I admire your determination and miss MOTTERS PAINT STORE.
Wish you all the best.

Sharon said...

I'm just happy that it's still a bank museum. Columbia should be thanking YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me Nora? I agree the comments about your parents are unwarranted and hurtful as many of the comments are. But seriously, the plywood has been there for over 15 years. At this point you have to make an educated decision to fix the doors as best you can with materials readily available. Instead of waiting for 200 year old black walnut wood to miraculously appear. Please, with all due respect, fix them ASAP and be rid of the plywood.

Anonymous said...

That IS my business Bob as I am a tax paying resident with a vested interest that all codes and ordinances be followed by ALL! Educate yourself and learn the ordinances on the books in this borough.

Bob said...

I'm all over that for ypu,,, Professor Anonymous

Bob said...

Ahhhh Peace and Quiet