Thursday, April 28, 2016

Officer attacked by aggressive dogs - one dog is shot

According to Columbia Borough Police, on April 28, 2016 at approximately 10 a.m. the Columbia Borough Police Department was dispatched to a rear yard of a residence in the 100 block of South Fifth Street for a report of two aggressive dogs running at large in the area. The caller told the dispatcher that he had attempted to exit a vehicle several times and the dogs "chased" him back into the vehicle.

A Columbia Officer arrived on scene and walked towards the caller's vehicle when two dogs ran at the officer as he approached. The officer attempted to retreat, and the dogs chased the officer. When the dogs closed in on the officer, he pulled his service weapon and fired at the first dog as it was lunging at him. Both dogs stopped and retreated. The uninjured dog returned a short time later and started to approach the officer again. The dog then ran into a break in a fence a few yards down. 

Several officers responded to canvass the area. The owner of the dog was located. The injured dog was located in the 100 block of South Third Street on a porch. It had suffered multiple gunshot wounds. 

The injured dog was taken to a local veterinarian by the owner and did not survive the incident. Columbia Police are completing their investigation into any PA Dog Law violations.


BJ Dorwart said...

Who owns these dogs does anyone know? Does the owner live on Locust st? Thanks

Joe Lintner said...

That information has not been made available yet.

Anonymous said...

I thought the police couldn't shoot straight, man was i wrong! Sorry for the dog but, you have to take action and quick action in this case.

Anonymous said...

It totally kills me how some people rise up with an im better than anyone attitude declaring they don't want to see mug shots and docket sheets, yet the same people can spew profanity on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Part of owner responsibility is securing the dog. Please do not blame anyone else for the owners failure to protect their pet and others by keeping it in a proper outdoor enclosure. Owner's failure.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, the dogs death falls squarely on the owner's shoulders, no one else is to blame.

Ed Jones said...

Good for you Officer!! You did what you had to do. I'da shot both of them.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if they were people three times the size of those dogs? They'd have been well with in their rights. Just like Ms. Curry............!

Anonymous said...

No they don't live on Locust Street does that answer your question?