Saturday, April 16, 2016

The trees are here! Planting to begin soon

The trees are here, all lined up and ready to go!  Ten 3-inch bald cypress trees are currently resting on a flatbed trailer at the borough shed, waiting to be planted along the shore at Columbia River Park.  The trees, which are well-suited to a watery environment, were ordered to replace dead and dying trees that were cut down a few months ago. A borough crew will begin planting in the near future.

The arborvitae trees shown below were planted at River Park on Friday. Apparently, they will hide a trash dumpster to be placed on the recently poured concrete pad.

Meanwhile, out at the borough farm, several ivory silk lilac and Persian parrotia trees are being stored until they can be planted by the shade tree commission at various locations around town. The trees, which are easily managed, were chosen for their suitability under utility wires.

One of the trees shown above might be needed to replace a damaged Bradford Pear tree near 150 South Fourth Street.  (The tree is shown below.) The base of the trunk was broken by recent high winds, and the tree is leaning against utility wires. A source tells Columbia Spy that authorities were notified of the problem about a week ago, but so far, no action has been taken. We're told that one of the problems with tree-planting in the borough is the size of the sidewalk opening for the root basin, which should be at least three by five feet. Most openings measure only two by two feet.


Anonymous said...

Our tax dollars at work!

Joe Lintner said...

The project is funded through a grant opportunity from DCNR’s TreeVitalize, which has a value of $15,000, with a 50% match required from the borough. TreeVitalize is a public-private partnership to help restore tree cover.

Anonymous said...

As i said tax dollars, $7,500.00 !!