Monday, March 28, 2016

About Town

Recent pics from around town . . . 

 Turnstiles at the high school

 Training session at Turkey Hill Experience

On the leash

 Evidence of theft

 Market House inscription at St Peter Apartments

Now that the Columbia Water Company upgrade is complete, it's time to move this stuff off of Heritage Drive so that the road can be paved. We're going to need the space for parking, now that Columbia Crossing is open and company's coming this summer. 

 These siblings were seen on the 100 block of Walnut a few days ago.
They were a little camera-shy . . . 

 . . . but he wasn't.

 Posing for the paparazzi

 Red squirrel seen last week in Locust Street Park.

 It's those guys again.

 On the lookout


 A source tells Columbia Spy that this fence around the perimeter of Mount Bethel Cemetery will be painted by Ville Painters, Inc. in the near future at a cost of $30,000.

 Repairs at Prudhomme's

Bluebird at Columbia River Park . . .

Is it the bluebird of happiness?

Tired tires

Hi-tech hang-up?

Can you dig it?

The streets aren't exactly paved with gold, but this might be a start.
(100 block of Locust)

Crumbling date stone at Second and Locust

 Easter Grinch at Tacos to Go

 Renovations at The Arts at Hinkles.


 21 South Fourth Street

 A new flavor of Turkey Hill Iced Tea: Burnt tobacco, filtered for your enjoyment.

 Stumps in use along "stump avenue"

 Pole position


208-210 Locust on Easter Sunday . . .


Anonymous said...

Cheers to the people who threw the cig. butts in a liquid fillled jug. I hear all kinds of phonies harp on about patriotism or Columbia pride. Many of whom are filthy litterbugs, this includes cigarette butts. How can one have utmost pride in a town or country, then turn it into a shithole? Guess my rant is due to seeing trash all over the ground. Some areas worse than others.

Joe Lintner said...

Disposing of butts that way is actually a very good idea.

Anonymous said...

Sam Bigler looking at one of his pride & joys in Columbia

Anonymous said...

Excellent points regarding the Heritage Road and Columbia Water Company. That mess is horrible that close to the "newly opened" trailhead. I'm actually very surprised that the Water Company has let it go this far. They did such an incredibly good job blending the new construction with the old style Historic brickwork that borders Walnut St. Which really is appealing to visitors. Now all they need to do is spend a small amount of time and resources cleaning all that mess up. I actually think the Water Company should at the very least regrade that portion of road back to the condition it was in before construction. It is terrible now and 110% due to all the construction vehicles. I'm sure there are plans to do all of this, but why wait? Step up and at least clean it up and spread some stone NOW.

Anonymous said...

What's Bigler up to now? He is dedicated to work on a holiday.

Bob Gainer said...

Bigler and that property need TO GO!!!

Anonymous said...

The columbia people will pay for this, just like we are doing with the water company loan!!

Curious Person said...

I remember painting the Mount Bethel fence back in the late 70's as part of a work/school program. Why not have people who need to fill their community service hours do projects like this? Or maybe cleaning up the litter around town?

Bob said...

Good IDEA!!!