Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Agenda - Borough Council Meeting September 14, 2015


Anonymous said...

Everyone had their hand out asking for money last night. I counted three separate requests. That does not include the Mayor's request about a grant for a school Resource Officer. It is my understanding that some grants have to be " matched", if so, that makes it four requests for money. The Mayor's request for the resource officer was shot down not very long ago so what's different now? Oh yes, the LASA money has arrived.

Anonymous said...

1) The agenda was revised/corrected just prior to the meeting of 9-14-15, yet a topic that the mayor opened for discussion was not listed on the agenda. It was about a Resource Officer and a grant application for this position. This was brought up in the past and shot down. Why was this topic not listed on the agenda?

2) Council president, Beury, does not take charge and put a stop to those that repeat themselves and ramble on after they have already stated their point or request. This always significantly lengthens the meetings. He has to keep the meeting moving along productively.

3) It seems everyone has their hand out for money. I counted three separate requests at the meeting last night. In one particular request for 2,500 dollars to advertise, I believe what is being sought after is already being done. The buses from Turkey Hill Experience already go through the borough to the riverpark. I watched the visitors get off of the bus and walk around the park with a THE tour guide. There are many free brochures in the Columbia Crossing building.

4). The mayor became agitated and loudly reprimanded a resident that is hearing impaired, blaming him for not listening better.

Anonymous said...

$1300 to show a movie at the river park. $2500 for the market house trust to make a movie that will be shown at THE. (Since when is the trust able to make marketing decisions for all of downtown?) SMH

Joe Lintner said...

That sums it up pretty well. Thanks. Some residents who attended last night's meeting had been "among the missing" for quite some time; i.e., they've rarely attended. At first, it seemed these pillars of the community were there to show support for the town, but alas, they simply wanted money. Some people smell the LASA dollars and are lining up at the trough. (I'm referring to a specific group, one of whom tried to sell us a call center.)

Anonymous said...

Why isn't more being given to the Historic Society? Help them advertise all of Columbia's historic sites to visit. Get moving on clearing off the first pier or two, so visitors can get a close look at the remains of the Civil War. Gettysburg attracts visitors based on its history, we can too. The "kind" of people coming here to see the historic sites will be the kind that will want a nice place to eat and drink. Maybe they will shop, depending what items are offered. The river and the history are what must be promoted to bring in visitors.

Joe Lintner said...

Very good points

Joe Lintner said...

At times, the meeting went off-topic and far afield, when councillors offered anecdotes and reminiscences, and residents spoke out of turn. It should have been over in half the time. Citizens were held hostage for three hours before they could comment on non-agenda items.

Anonymous said...

Last fall there was a rush by the CEDC to get a dumpster set up on Locust Street in order to clear out the Hotel Locust building. This met with opposition from some shop owners due to the timing, as it was during the holiday season. CEDC got their way and the dumpster was placed on the street. Nearly one year later, where has this gotten them? It appears (on the outside) as it did then, torn awning and all.

Joe Lintner said...

Wondering why these things aren't being handled by the municipal authority . . .

Anonymous said...

I am wondering why Roberts Rules of Order are not use at these meetings???

Anonymous said...

Council is great at delegating duties.

Anonymous said...

That's terrible!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree. How about Bil Kloidt coming last month to sell the borough on a paid position for someone representing the Shade Tree? That's just crazy, why do we need that position? Property owners are responsible for the tree on their sidewalk, it's an ordinance.

Joe Lintner said...

The proposal for the video was one of the better ideas to come out of last night's wayward meeting.

Anonymous said...

As much as people bash council, some citizens in attendance were as bad or worse. There was a group of citizens in the back talking so much that at times it was difficult to hear the Councilors. And then one gentleman was asking Sri what the Eagles game score was. Really? We want Council to respect the citizenry and work for us but can't seem to extend that same respect. Get it together Columbia.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree. However, it is not a Market House Trust venture, the agenda was wrong. It is a CDDC venture.

Anonymous said...

True, there was talking in the back and it was disruptive. Council members do tend to drag on and talk about non-agenda items whenever it suits them,
so both sides are guilty. They do have a president that has a gavel, he needs to hit it and ask the people to be quiet. He is in charge and is expected to control the meeting.

Anonymous said...

Oh holy moley.....
Try fighting to get one lousy historic block in a ave closed.......
Watch out though,,,,, bang bang stab stab round and round.
Promises never kept.....
Well then let's see whats next......
Closets are still full.


Anonymous said...

the mtg was ridiculous. the president MUST take control or give the gavel to someone else. yes there were 2 people in the audience axting like kids talking the entire time. shame on you both. if you want to have a social visit do it somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Its a Circus ...
They should charge admission to all Boro Meetings..
That would generate revenue...

Anonymous said...

The president was napping with that same old smirk on his face.
Get rid of him.....

Anonymous said...

Just like everything else in the boro,,,,
Pick and choose

Joe Lintner said...

The money will go to the CDDC - the Columbia Downtown Development Corporation - not the Trust.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about a few things from Monday night. Mr. Beury is clueless when it comes to controlling a meeting. How many times on Monday night did other council members plead with him to take control of the meeting? He just sat there and looked dumb founded and smiled. Then, you have Mr. Smith. Shouldn't it be a conflict of interest is he is voting on anything to do with the CEDC, which is is apparently second in command? He is also the former owner of Smith's Hotel and still owns the property? Wasn't it a bit self serving of him to have a "friend" from Wrightsville come over and question the "no right turn" and him thanking her for her support. Another conflict of interest!

Anonymous said...

In a word, "rude," is the only way to describe the way some people dominate the floor during the meetings. These people are clearly aware that taxpayers are also present and patiently waiting to speak with their own concerns. Once their requests and/or statements are made, they need to thank council and sit down so others get a chance to speak before 10:00 or 11:00 pm. Some residents, that have been taxpayers for decades, got up and left in despair. It's time for council to allow citizen comments first and for the president to closely monitor their allotted time. Council takes up an inordinate amount of time going into left field throughout the meetings. Again, the president needs to take charge and get them back on track. Last night at least 3 audience members interjected their personal suggestions and thoughts at times when they simply were not to be speaking. This was, in part, because the person making a request to council did not simply make the request, she began a lengthy explanation, resulting in discussion. Everyone has their own agenda. It was strongly suggested (earlier this year, by the consultants) that all the groups in Columbia need to find a way to work together. I don't see this happening anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

People need to get the facts straight before opening mouth and inserting foot! It's not all about the "Trust"!