Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Take a good look - you're paying for it!

Take a good look at the painting being done on Tuesday at the Columbia Water Company. 
You're paying for the paint and the painter.


Anonymous said...

Not to mention all of the copper! Customers should have had a say in the materials and scope of work since we are flipping the bill. The PUC is a POS!!!

Anonymous said...

The building does look very nice, but I wondered about the copper gutters too. Were they really necessary and what was the cost?

Anonymous said...

The cost does not matter. All you need to know is all columbia people are paying the tab!! Nothing you can do about it so live with it!

Anonymous said...

That's a downright ludicrous argument. So are you going to petition Weis because they painted their store a color you don't agree with? After all, you are flipping the bill.

Some people on here make no sense.

Anonymous said...

The cost doesn't matter? Really? Taxpayers have an expectation that when we foot the bill, the decision makers will be stewards of the tax payer dollars. I guess an open records request would solve the issue of "all you need to know."