Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What I saw (and didn't want to see) today - Tuesday, July 9, 2013

And now to retire any lingering doubts about the saggy pants fad having gone too far . . . or should I say, having reached new depths?  THIS IS INDECENT EXPOSURE.


Anonymous said...

Here's hoping this guy has a clean rectum before he sits on a public bench.

Joe Lintner said...

Yes . . . yuck!
After seeing this, I pray Zeus sends eagles from Mount Olympus to pluck my eyeballs out.

Anonymous said...

this is disgusting and you see it all over town, everywhere. this boro should make a law (like Wildwood just did). start with police dept giving out instant citations...maybe they should have a couple thousand ready to go. this is a disgrace, i do not want to see his nasty a--, our children and grandchildren are subjected to this sort of dress code everywhere they go-is that right? i don't understand. there is so much wrong with our judicial system. its broke. it needs fixed. no one should NOT have to look at this.

Anonymous said...

i do NOT understand why the police can not stop and fine these ppl for indecent exposure...public lewdness oir anything

Joe Lintner said...

This is a public disgrace. Perpetrators like this should be cited and fined. It's not even funny anymore. Now we see what happens when this sort of behavior is not contained. This is what it leads to. A line has been crossed. From now on, the borough and the police should institute a policy of zero tolerance for low pants. No kidding. Not only is this hideous to look at, it could also constitute a public health issue, depending on where people like this sit. And yes, who wants their children to see it?

Joe Lintner said...

This needs to be stopped now. If it isn't, what's next?

Anonymous said...

unfortunately the boro should have addressed this years ago...now its a serious issue and it needs to be stopped immediately. what disrespect. why can't the police (or can they) give an instant citation to these idiots for disturbing the peace, indecent exposure, public nudity, etc......it has to be stopped. now.

Joe Lintner said...

If they get a few citations, these exhibitionists might finally take the hint that no one wants to see this.

Anonymous said...

If crack shows when a person is standing erect then they should be issued a citation for indecent exposure. This guy cannot be doing anything constructive with pants down like that . Facts are one cannot possibly work with pants dropping that low. It cannot be comfortable either.
Being female, If I walked around with pants like that I am certain that it would lead to an indecent exposure charge

Anonymous said...

I'm all in favor of dressing to express oneself, but this really is partial nudity . Why does everyone tolerate it? In public it is unacceptable.

Joe Lintner said...

Women have more sense and/or modesty than to do this. The guy pictured is obviously a slob. I can't help wondering how it is that the pants don't fall completely.

Joe Lintner said...

The guy is obviously more of an "anal expulsive" than an "abstract expressionist."

Anonymous said...

it has to stop.....the powers that be MUST follow thru and issue citations. period.

Anonymous said...

Seems confusing that people endure - yes, even encourage - tolerating this lowering of standards. Yet, there's big time concern about showing skin in a business establishment on Union Street. WTH?

Joe Lintner said...

Yes, it is hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

if you can get a few ppl to attend council mtg and complain about this huge problem and the fact that WE are sick and tired of allowing sh-- to happen. it's not right. just like a lot of other things are not right. the police need to enforce this attire every day, all the time.