Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Columbia council seeks solution for sewage - News - LancasterOnline.com

Columbia Borough Council took the wastewater treatment plant problem and the need to comply with clean water regulations in an entirely different direction Monday by asking Lancaster Area Sewer Authority for a proposal to purchase the entire system.

The 5-1 vote to turn to LASA came in response to concerns raised by residents that the solution favored by the municipal authority — refurbishing the plant — was expensive and short-sighted.


PART III: Preservationist's curse - News - LancasterOnline.com

Lancaster, Strasburg, Columbia and Lititz have established historic districts under state guidelines. These districts also are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. They encompass thousands of residences and other structures.

Historical Architectural Review Boards, or HARBs, sit in judgment on proposals for exterior modifications, including demolition, in all of the districts except Lititz, which has a slightly different system. Alterations include removing a porch or replacing wood windows with vinyl.

The point of monitoring these changes is to preserve the integrity of the historic districts. Methods of meeting that objective still draw occasional controversy decades after the historic districts were established.


County's mayors weigh in on proposed gun-control measures - News - LancasterOnline.com

Columbia Mayor Leo Lutz — 12 years in office — is an avid hunter and gun owner.
He mixed no words when expressing his opinion on the Mayors Against Illegal Guns proposals.
"I'm totally against it," he said. "While I recognize there are issues as far as guns go, I believe if we simply enforced the laws we already have, we'd be better off.
"We don't need any new laws."
Lutz has been asked to join the Mayors group, but has rejected the offer
"I don't choose to support them," he said.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Cellphone pics from today's snow

What I saw recently

Pics from the last week or so:

Much progress at The Cycle Den

Meanwhile at 3rd & Mill, the phone books were still hanging around.

And the broken glass was still there.
That's been how many months now?

The fence at River Park was still bent.

And this phone box was dangling at 462 & 6th.

Last Friday, this vehicle and trailer traveled through town,
with music blasting from the trailer.

"Rolling" ads were featured on either side of the trailer.

Another ad appeared after a few seconds.

The Easter Bunny made an appearance at Trin's, to the amazement of the two boys on the left.

There were lotsa hearts at Musser's.

Starlings ate from the cat dishes while the cats were away.

And kept watch - just to be safe.

Trouble with trash on Route 30 - LancasterOnline
