Sunday, April 16, 2023

About Town - April 16, 2023

Recent photos of Columbia

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

Artists fanned out in the downtown on Saturday for the Columbia Quick Draw event.

Here are a few of the finished pieces:

Attendees congregated at the side of the Columbia Market House to view the paintings.

Earlier in the week, a few Plein Air artists had gathered at Columbia River Park.


Also on Saturday, a service was held at the Buddhist Temple for Vietnamese veterans.


Brad Chambers, Democratic candidate for Columbia Borough Council, was at the Market House on Saturday.

So was this man, who operates a stand there.


Blooms on a trunk

Services were held at the Buddhist Temple Thursday morning.

The 1000 block of Barber Street was closed all day on Friday, even though the Borough's TextMyGov app said it would be opened at 1:35 p.m. The app also stated that Barber, from Plane to South 10th, would be closed that afternoon, but it was actually open at that time. Some council members touted the app at recent meetings.

This is what it looks like when a storm is approaching, but the other half of the sky is sunny.

A field of dandelion puff balls, which may eventually make more dandelion puff balls.

What looks like a line of Czech hedgehogs is actually part of the diversion structure at the Columbia Water Company's water intake project.

At the Toll Booth

Tollbooth Antiques, that is

According to this ghost sign, the Tollbooth building was formerly the Myers Machine Tool Corporation.

This cat saw something . . . up there.

Was it these military helicopters?

This one was flying low.

Here are some bricks looking like some sort of abstract painting

Shane Kinser designed and built this used flag deposit box for his Eagle Scout project a few years ago, as Columbia Spy reported HERE.

Lila says "Good morning."

This grackle posed for the paparazzi but not without complaint.

This bunny is still hanging around, even though Easter is over.

This guy was doing surveying work on the 300 block of Locust Street the other day.

Crow atop the Elks, showing his left claws, for some reason.

New window painting at Fragments of the Past on the 300 block of Walnut

Fancy keystone on Walnut Street

Here's evidence that kids don't just play video games but sometimes go "old school" with their playtime activities.

Here's an ominous looking thunderhead from Saturday afternoon.

This is part of our deteriorating Veterans Memorial Bridge. The rebar is visible here. The bridge rehab project is supposed start in the near future.

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