Sunday, April 2, 2017

Mausoleum delivery fails, crane can't make the turn

 A concrete slab was laid on the grounds of the Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens recently to support a 38-ton mausoleum that is to be delivered. A large crane will also be on-site to lift the mausoleum from the delivery truck and place it on the slab.

 Two small areas were carved out of the base of the hill to accommodate the crane's outriggers.

A delivery attempt was made last Wednesday morning. Unfortunately, the crane was unable to negotiate the tight turn on Laurel Hill Road leading to the cemetery and had to turn back, leaving these tire tracks in the mud.

The red arrow shows the tight turn where the crane got stuck.

A few days later, crushed stone was placed on the muddy perimeter of the turn. Another delivery attempt with a different crane will be made Monday morning, April 3. A source close to the project told Columbia Spy that the four-unit, $50,000 mausoleum is currently being stored on the truck.

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