Thursday, October 20, 2016

Market House change of hours

The Columbia Market House is announcing a change of hours for the Fall/Winter Season. They will be open Wednesday & Thursday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (with limited stand holders); Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For further information, follow the Columbia Market House on Facebook.


Anonymous said...

Why would the market be open five days a they hardly had any business when they were open three days a week

Unknown said...

How about the river crossing to get ready to sell alcohol? The borough council voted to purchase 41 Walnut st. From the Old Columbia Public Grounds Co. This is back door politics at it's finest!!!!!!!&

Anonymous said...

It's a mistake to have no evening hours. Friday evening with live music would be a great way to end the week. Ten o'clock is way too late to open a market.

Unknown said...

They should start selling wine in the market house!!

Anonymous said...

Such a shame our community seems to revolve around a market. We should be interested in evolving a business district. Hiring a consultant (which Columbia is famous for without return investment) to help figure what our problems is ludicrous at $40 per hour. How about working together!

Anonymous said...

Nude dancing would bring in a crowd.

Anonymous said...

Great hours to continue failing... consumers who would be willing to spend any money there often have jobs with day time hours...

Anonymous said...

How can people that work go to market during the week with those hours. They are always changing hours.

Anonymous said...

What about the night of Mardi Gras? They were great days in Columbia when the towns people met.

Anonymous said...

Time to stop worrying about this market house maybe we should just close it down and get on with other things can't seem to make it work and we can't keep spending the tax payers money to fix it up that is not right and we all know that is what a few people want to no names

Anonymous said...

Negative impact is not the answer.
Look outside the box.
Your just dry.

Anonymous said...

And only that but now the highway department will have to take care of the locust st park. like they don't have enough work to do now. just so the boro can sell alcohol at the river crossing.

Anonymous said...

I think it should be used for special events. The idea of a sustainable market in Columbia is a pipe dream As so many on this site like to point Columbia is nothing but a welfare town full of slum lords and the dregs of society. They don't need a market, why they're not even human beings in most of your eyes. Go back can read through the comments on this site. Who would want to come to this town with all this negative chatter!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe that the old public ground company is still responsible for Locust St. park. From what I read, the river park is the borough responsible.

Anonymous said...

The market thrived when it was just Thursday. Great local stands who brought people into the facility. Then freed took over by the trust. Out went the good people and replaced by the elite. Go back to one day, then grow from there. You can't compete with markets in Lancaster and York and Green Dragon. Thursday was the day.

Anonymous said...

Negative chatter. Does that include your comment?

Anonymous said...

Nope! That wasn't negative .. it's a fact that some of the commenters on this site are extremely negative and judgmental. It was sarcasm! If you think this town is full of low life welfare abusers then why do anything about the market? People aren't going to come here from other towns to the pitiful market!!

Anonymous said...

Negative chatter keeps people away from this town?? It wouldn't have anything to do with the failing schools, bullying, shootings, fights, thefts, high taxes, trash lining the 100 block South Fourth Street constantly. Nothing like that would ever keep people away!
It has to be the negative comments on this website, obviously that's the reason.

Anonymous said...

Come on! This blog is about how you feel inside in what direction Columbia's future holds. It is only a comment that comes from the heart, not the vote that makes a decision for Columbia's economic strength.

The Constitution's Freedom of Speech was designed for all citizens of the United States to express their feelings. The Borough Council and School Board are now showing their flexibility of abuse our rights as citizens without recourse.We only vote by name and party when we should look deep to the people who care for all not for one.
We have a captive audience with over approx. 200,000 visitors to Columbia per year in our antique stores, museums and river attractions. It is the depth of working together with arbitration and consolidation. This is our town and proud we must be.


Anonymous said...

They didnt tell anyone about the lcust st park but it was part of the deal to buy the river park

Anonymous said...

The Standholders of Market House have a great lunch business during the week.

Anonymous said...

I guess you haven't been to market on Friday's in a long while. Market had great music every Friday even 4th Friday's until a month back or so they stopped the music due to the musicians were playing to a empty house except for the Standholders.

Anonymous said...

That would be a plus and an attraction but there's always a reason it can't be in market.

Anonymous said...

You are correct that attention should be put towards the downtown to get it rolling but most attention has been put towards The Crossings. By the way Columbia needs all the help it can get to move things forward and if it takes $40 per hour of professional service to get the local government moving and being held accountable then it worth it. I don't mind having them spending my tax money that way to help move toward a bustling downtown.
Be more concerned about the school taxes that are killing this town or the drug problem.

Anonymous said...

If you go downtown during the week there isn't many place to eat. The during "the week hours" are geared towards providing residents, businesses and tourist that are in town who want something different instead of having the same old same old pizza, cheesesteaks, and fast food.
Remember Market is also open on weekends.
Market is try to provide great, delicious alternative to what's the norm

Anonymous said...

That still happens. This Thursday. Check out market and town then.

Anonymous said...

No matter what you still have to use taxpayers money to maintain the building one way or another. It's a shame that this historic building is treated like the redheaded stepchild. It's a grand building that needs the right people to care and run it. Everyone has so much negative words to say about but you don't see them coming to offer their time, efforts, and realistic ideas for the future of market and the businesses in it.
Step up time Columbia! Put up or shhhish.

Anonymous said...

One day. Hmmm. Back in the day that might have been good but now businesses are in need of more days to compete with bigger businesses to move goods and wares. Most of the businesses one do this market and no others.They are trying to drive business into this town and capitalize on the business that is coming in due to other businesses in town like Antiques, museums, and brewpub.
Market is a great addition to the downtown and the downtown's growth. It needs great forward thinkers and caretakers

Anonymous said...

Speaking of working together. Why aren't we all not coming together to help preserve this market?
People should be jumping up and down about The Turkey Hill Experience that was to bring thousands into town and isn't. It's a roadside attraction. They get off 30, get the experience, and get back on 30. No traffic down town. Or how's about The Crossings and trail? The come in, bike or visit crossing and leave. No visit to downtown
These are some issues that need addressed as well as taxes

Anonymous said...

We've been hearing the same song and dance for over ten years now. When are we going to accept that a market isn't viable? How much more money do we dump in this thing before it becomes apparent? I think Sisyphus made better progress.