Saturday, October 3, 2015

Could this be why Bill Roberts didn't show up for his real estate deal?

Maybe this is why Bill Roberts didn't show up at the special meeting of council last spring regarding the conversion of the Columbia #1 building into a call center. Was he too busy wrangling cows?

Bill Roberts is the owner of a real estate development company, IBS Development, which focuses on inner city projects for adaptive reuse of older buildings.

The Turkey Hill Experience in Columbia, Pa., and the Crayola Center in Easton, Pa., are two of his company's projects. IBS has developed about 2 million square feet of older properties over the past 30 years, and continues to do so.


Anonymous said...

Very nice," BUT" where is the roof on the experience that was on the blue print!! Why is it not on, it was a peek roof on the print! I see pocket money here!!

Joe Lintner said...

That's a good question. Did someone accidentally on purpose forget it?

Anonymous said...

The borough chose NOT to enforce the issue. They had every right to not allow a Certificate of Occupancy and force the issue. He is a cheap bastard, that's why there is no roof!

Anonymous said...

It looks unfinished.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it looks unfinished AND terrible. He should be ashamed, as should be the borough since they allowed this!