Sunday, June 29, 2014

What I saw recently

Some shots from around town recently . . .

A peek inside the mausoleum at Mount Bethel Cemetery

A miniature crucifix at the port hole

One ancient myth says that when a person dies, a crow carries the soul to heaven.

 On Friday (June 27), a conservation officer kept watch on the river from a vantage point at River Park.

 Four Waterways Conservation vehicles were parked there, two with empty boat trailers.
One assumes the officers were out patrolling the river.

 The two vehicles with trailers were parked in the appropriate parking spaces.

 But wait, what's this - a violation?

 Meanwhile, a stray cat checked out a dobsonfly.

 On the 100 block of Locust - a sign of Columbia's more prosperous past.

Skeletal frame of the River Park center

Artists at work on Saturday morning (June 28) . . .

 Seen in Wrightsville yesterday.  What is it?

 May as well park on the sidewalk, especially since there are at least half a dozen empty parking spaces available.


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