Sunday, June 29, 2014

Failing in slow motion: A community's helping hands

More on Columbia's condition:


Anonymous said...

I wonder how our children feel when they see these Front Page headlines all over the newspapers ? Why doesn't someone as Lancaster Newspapers how they think it makes high school children to see a front page headline saying that the school district that they are in is FAILING ? I guess Lancaster Newspapers just figures that the high school students can't read so it doesn't matter what they print.

Brian Long said...

Wonder, too, whether the children ever feel that their own school board leadership has failed them? Or others in the town's leadership roles? Or the taxpayers who continue to vote for those who keep "things as they are?" Or parents who don't vote? Or don't attend school board meetings or council meetings?

Anonymous said...

well said Mr Long. I also wonder where are all the taxpaying homeowners in this town who choose to hide and ignore the plain truth. there is a dire need to attend mtgs. what about the noon talk with new super? hold a town mtg. thats the way we do it!

Anonymous said...

agree! town mtgs are the best! why would you hold a noon mtg??? so people can't attend?? oh yeah, the section 8's and renters will attend...they don't work!