Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A few final shots of the bridge light "takedown"


Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll say it.

The new lights suck.

Fine, I get they are LEDs and will save money (but how long for a $2 million payback?) And I get that hey look like the old lights. Fine. However...

First issue: even with a light fixture on every ledge, there are still giant dark spots between each light.

Second issue (the more important one, IMO): as you drive across the bridge at night, the actual LED clusters in the fixtures are built in such a way they momentarily blind you as you pass each and every one. It plays hell with your night vision as you drive across.

Sorry, but try as I might to like the old-tymey look of the lights, they simply suck. I think trying to adapt LEDs to the old design was a failure. Or perhaps they should have been mounted higher?

Probably not a popular opinion, but it is mine.


Joe Lintner said...

Interesting. Thanks. I wonder what others think.

Anonymous said...

Didn't blind me, but every person and vehicle are at different height levels. At least they work. Last month half the bridge was out. Coming into Columbia was like coming into a dark abyss.