Saturday, June 21, 2014

A tour of the Bank Museum

Free tours of Columbia's Bank Museum were held during today's Thunder on the River car show.

 The Museum at 2nd & Locust

 Tour guide and owner Nora Motter Stark

 Teller's window

 Early air conditioning

 A 14th- or 15th-century iron chest for holding the loot

 The bank president's office

Change holder and money box


Anonymous said...

How can that place be open with plywood covering the doors? Wouldn't that be a fire code violation? (+ all the other boro codes it goes against.) I would say it's against the historic district codes (do those even exist anymore?) But that wood has been there so long, it probably qualifies as being historic!


Anonymous said...

I went on the bank tour and found it to be very informative. Nora Stark did an excellent, professional, presentation as she guided our small group through the bank. The plywood did not take away from the history inside this building. It takes a lot of time and effort to hold onto these old buildings. If this family would not have kept the home, it probably would have been purchased and broken up into apartments. Don't we have enough of this already? Try cutting them some slack, they are working toward or for the good of Columbia. Be glad they want to do that.

Anonymous said...

Slack? They've had that plywood up for over 10 years!

(the irony is they were one of the biggest pushers for the historic district)


Anonymous said...

i agree. i am thankful they bought the bldg and not some slumlord...but the plywood has been up for at LEAST 10 years. let's take up a collection to shellac the orginal doors to protect them from the elements so they can take the plywood off.....unfortunately, theres an interest in this kind of stuff..they could have a decent amount of folks touring...just like ghost walks, etc!

Anonymous said...

and put the donation box out.....some folks would readily drop in a dollar or two...and they add up!