Saturday, June 30, 2012

What Hit Us?

Last night's nasty storm brought with it high winds that knocked over trees, broke off limbs, downed power lines, and caused power outages.  The worst hit area seemed to be the swath between Route 462 and the river.  Earlier today, I shot the following pics of the aftermath.

 I can't confirm this pole at The Wagon Werks was knocked over by the high winds, but I hadn't noticed it leaning before.


Anonymous said...

The pole was knocked over by a car in an accident after the storm. I was standing on my patio when the storm hit. There was about 5 minutes of strong wind. I have a metal patio roof and I could hear it straining against the wind. I was suprised it did not go flying off.

Joe Lintner said...

Thanks for the info about the pole. The wind really was scary at times.

Anonymous said...

great pics!!! have you read the article in the SUnday News about Safe Harbor selling (quietly of course) the land in Washington Boro that is of SIGNIFICANT historical value - the Indians land? what a SIN.....c'mon someone please rescue this land from being sold and history forever lost. this is SO WRONG. what is wrong with these companies who just don't give a damn about preserving HISTORY......

Joe Lintner said...

Yes, I did read the article. The area is historically significant, and I believe the company anticipated that there would be resistance to their selling it off. That's why they were doing so quietly. Unfortunately, for some people - and companies - profits take precedence over everything else. It's called greed, plain and simple. Once the land is sold and "developed" (and how I hate that twisted term), its past is out of our reach and is gone forever.

Anonymous said...

exactly why someone needs to step up and try to stop it! i believe form the article that there are some groups trying to do that, but of course theres no money :(
now that's where someone well off could step up and purchase it preserve it! it can't hurt to hope.

Joe Lintner said...

The news article helped make people aware of what is going on. Now that the word is out, there is hope for resistance against this action.