Sunday, September 18, 2016

Finally! The grinch revealed!

                         Seen at Tacos to Go

         The grinch is really . . . Donald Trump!

                     Didn't you just know it?

Resident questions alleged bullying by students AND director of operations

Mike Resch chastised the board for their inaction on bullying at Thursday's meeting.

At Thursday's school board meeting, Columbia resident Mike Resch commented publicly about bullying in the district. He told how his wife stopped a bully who was beating up another student just off school property. According to Resch, the victim, who had a “fat lip,” told his wife that it was the fourth or fifth time he had been beaten by the same bully. He said his wife then called the police, who responded and told her not to get involved.

Stills from a video of the assault referred to by Mike Resch 

“I'm not going to stand and wait for the police to come when a child's getting beaten,” Resch said.

Resch then referred to the many emotional pleas from residents who had spoken at the meeting. “Everything I'm hearing from these people – and the emotion that you feel coming out of them – these things have to be true,” he said.

Resch then turned his attention to Director of Operations Tom Strickler and asked if he bullies people into his way of thinking. After asking the superintendent and board president if he could respond, Strickler replied, “No Sir.”

Tom Strickler denied accusations of bullying.

Resch then asked if new board members swear on the Bible when an oath is administered. When a board member said, “Right hand up,” Resch asked Strickler to place his hand on the Bible while answering the question about bullying. An audience member brought forth a Bible, but the board disallowed the action.

Resch said there are a few school board members who are doing a very good job, but the majority are “yes men” for Strickler. As Resch asked another question, Board President Cole Knighton said, “This is the time for public comment, Mike.”

“This is public comment,” Resch replied.

"It's not for us to answer,” Cole Knighton said.

“It's time for comment, but it's not for us to answer,” Knighton said.

“Why not? That's the whole problem here,” Resch said. “We're always looking for answers, and we're not getting them. You're elected officials, and your responsibility is to each and every one of us. It's not a position for you to fill your ego.” As Resch tried to continue, audience applause drowned out his comments. When the applause subsided, Resch said the board should be fighting for the people of Columbia and added that it is not being done.

“I just for the life of me can't understand why something can't be done,” he said, adding that he has spoken to people who don't attend board meetings anymore, because “they're tired of the same old thing, same old thing, same old thing.”

Party in the Park Sept. 24

Crazy little thing called love: Mardi Gras Parade Oct. 27

Columbia falls to York Suburban in rescheduled football game | Barry Ford

After Friday's stadium evacuation and postponement, Saturday's game in York County was played without incident.

Albatwitch Day in Columbia October 8

Featuring the return of the trolley

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Ford and Garrido join school board

 Ford and Garrido take the oath of office, which was administered by District Magisterial Judge Miles Bixler.

Barry Ford and Iris Rachael Garrido were sworn in as school board directors by District Magistrate Miles Bixler at Thursday's Columbia Borough School Board meeting. Ford and Garrido filled two board vacancies, one of which was created when Cole Knighton assumed the presidency after Tom Strickler's resignation, and the other by Tammy Mattern's resignation, effective September 9, 2016. The board previously appointed former board member Keith Combs to fill a vacancy created when Fran Resch resigned in May.

Ford resigned from borough council in May, citing health concerns. This was Garrido's third try for a seat on the board. 

Leo Lutz Jr. was absent from Thursday's meeting, but those present voted unanimously for the appointments. Vicki Anspach voted also, despite her absence at last week's committee of the whole meeting when candidate interviews were held. When questioned at last week's meeting if absent members would vote, Superintendent Dr. Robert Hollister said, "We'd have abstentions from the other board members." The vacancy created by Mattern's resignation was not advertised. (Lutz and Mattern were also absent from last week's meeting.)

The board also accepted the resignation of high school principal Maura Hobson, effective September 14, 2016. Hobson will remain in the position for up to 60 days, pending a replacement.

 New board director Barry Ford

 New board director Iris Garrido

Garrido: "I'm here to be part of the solution."