Sunday, August 16, 2020

About Town 8/16/2020

This week's photos of Columbia

(Click/tap on each photo to see a larger, sharper image.) 

On for the ride

Artists at work
Pointing skyward

Looks like someone moved in at the old firehouse on 4th.

Ready for concrete at 4th & Locust

And there it is.

A job, well . . . done
But what will happen with this lot?

Meanwhile, across the street on Locust:
An entrance to a parking area


Great blue heron
Gone fishin'

Seeing double

In training

Heading to shore

New color at Columbia Presbyterian

Part of Avenue I is blocked off for Market House construction.
Ready for a pour

A hornets nest on a gravestone

They're not murder hornets, but if you get too close they might try to murder you anyway.

Wanna get rid of that old TV?
Just dump it in the alley.

Another one bites the dust - sawdust, that is.

At Locust Street Park

Still there at Rotary Park

Here's a sign with a different kind of message.

Mighty high crane

Tiger swallowtail showing off

Profile shot

Grasshopper lazing about

Some reflections:

Leaning a bit

Masked cow

Get your temp checked here.

Safety requirements

None of these are present-day U.S. Flags:

Are we currently great?


Richelle said...

Love the no mask sign absolutely want to shop there where is it?

Joe Lintner said...

Goose Vapes on North 4th

Lisa said...

Love these pics, Joe!