Friday, August 14, 2020

Cannon Hinnant's death is tragic and should not be used as a weapon against Black Lives Matter

by Robert Misciagna

Here we go again...

I was hoping to be able to write less about the merits of the Black Lives Matter movement and to transition to policy solutions that would help our Black and Brown communities as well as the working class. I assumed that we, as a community, were about ready for that next step. Obviously I was wrong.

I have seen several posts comparing the death, outrage, and media coverage of Cannon Hinnant to that of George Floyd and other martyrs. The way I see it, this is obviously an attempt to portray the Black Lives Matter movement and racial justice activists as hypocritical, apathetic, and silent. All while exploiting the death of a young innocent boy in order to force a narrative onto an issue that is unrelated.

This is especially apparent when many of those elevating the story have adopted the Black Lives Matter phrase “say his name”.

It is frustrating that we must continue to have the same conversations over and over again. The Black Lives Matter movement came into existence in response to inconsistent outcomes for Black and Brown victims compared to white victims, and how that enables wrong-doers. It was never simply about media coverage and outrage over the deaths of innocents. We already have laws on the books that affirm the immorality of murder. That was never in question. The problem is that the system often treats the cases of victims very differently based on the color of the victim/perpetrator’s skin, or the position of the person who committed the crime.

The fact is that Cannon’s killer was not a police officer, and he is already in jail. He is a terrible person who will likely get what he deserves. And that is a justice that many victims of hate crimes and police brutality may never see. It never took a mass movement for Cannon Hinnant’s murderer to be held accountable. It shouldn’t. But it did for George Floyd. And mass movements haven’t even been enough for Breonna Taylor’s family to see justice. Or Eric Garner’s. Or Philando Castile’s. Or Alton Sterling’s. Or Elijah McClain’s. The list goes on. THAT is why BLM is necessary. That is why their work is not finished. And that is why Cannon Hinnant’s death and that of the many victims of racially motivated crimes ARE NOT THE SAME.

Again, the outcome of this young boy’s case is a righteous one. The justice he is receiving, although no replacement for his life, is a good thing. That’s why it needs to happen for all victims.

Cannon Hinnant’s death was unnecessary and disgusting. But it is not a weapon to be used against the Black Lives Matter movement and to discredit efforts for racial justice. RIP Cannon.


MAD AS HELL said...

George Floyd death tragic and should not be used as a weapon against all Police officers.

Leslie P. said...

The outrage over this heinous crime isn't "simply" about the lack of media coverage alone. National media has continued to push a destructive narrative that the "white race" is intrinsically racist which has rendered them targeted and brutalized by the criminal element within the black community. National media has become a propaganda tool deliberately ignoring egregious crimes against white people to steer a particular racial narrative. While the black community certainly has important issues and efforts to face those issues are widely supported, too many innocent white people are slaughtered in hate crimes against them, stoked by the continual "white racism" media propaganda and are continually and deliberately ignored as news items. The national media has become politically weaponized and its influence has devastating effects on all of us.

LA LANCEY said...

Well put. I try to comment on every post I see that this as awful as it seems is not equivalent. It is not systemic. There are not cases and cases of neighbors shooting children at point blank. As far as I know it has nothing to to with the color of Cannons skin and by making it about that they are not only racist but disrespecting the life of the little boy because we all know you arent born racist.

Scott Martin said...

You are not thinking about this objectively.

JenaNick said...

I didn’t use Say His Name. I said HE CAN’T BREATHE

Pam said...


Stop putting a color on it... that also creates an unnecessary problem.

Unknown said...

More whites are kills by blacks than the other way around and also more white people are killed by cops than blacks annually. The fact that if it had been a white guy that killed a black boy, racist or not, the race baiting media would have been had a field day for months. The same media that has brainwashed you to think that cop's (even black cops) kill blacks people for no reason. Maybe it is because enter-city minority culture teaches to not listen/respect authority whether you committed a crime or not. The problem is entitled POS terrorist thinking they are above the law.

LT said...

Yes all those lives you mentioned are important & justice should be served- Well what about Shane Jensen, Thomas Purdy, Brandon Vieweg, Hannah Fizer, Timmy Henley, Andrew Messina, Jason Alderman, Steven Meyers, Joshua Autumn Steele, Kyle Baker, or Justine Diamond? THE LIST GOES ON. Oh - you haven’t heard of any of them? They were all killed by cops & most of their killings were “Justified”. No Justice for ANY of these people. How dare you Say “don’t compare the death of George Floyd and Cannon Hinnant“ we can compare what we want. They are not the same though you are absolutely right about that. for one- this was an adult that murdered a child on purpose. That is the difference- a HUGE difference. More attention should have been brought to it for that reason- as well as all the children murdered by gunfire in the “gun free” zones- but no media for them either. Many of these children were black, such as Secoriea Turner (I thought you said black lives matter But you didn’t mention any of these children) Two, There is a major contrast between the media attention of the murder of Cannon Hinnant (and all the other names I’ve mentioned) and the death of George Floyd. “Say his name” has been around WAY before BLM. My loved one is one of the names I mentioned & I’ve been saying “say his name” for a long time. WHO exactly is exploiting Cannon Hinnant’s Murder? exploit means to use someone or something, usually selfishly or for profit. Posting his story because the media would not is definitely not selfish- maybe to those who want it quiet so it doesn’t disrupt the false narrative (selfish as hell) nobody posting his story is profiting off of Cannons death nor we they want to (unlike BLM making billions off of George Floyd’s death & gaining political attention off of it) many people have thought BLM was hypocritical way before Cannons murder - when they listed their main mission as Marxist & their goal to dismantle the nuclear family which has nothing to do with racial injustice or police brutality. Why are none of the names I meant “martyrs” also? You say “it’s frustrating to have the same conversation over and over again” why is that? Because ppl don’t by this false narrative? Stop having the conversation then. We don’t want to hear it & that is our choice. Stop cramming this lie down people’s throats. The fact that you wrote this article because your “angry” that the murder of Cannon Hinnant is taking the “shine” off BLM is despicable. The issue is related. If a white cop killing a black man is automatically assumed as racially motivated- then a black man who killed a white child is racially motivated also. STOP saying “Cannons killer was arrested an in jail so Justice has been served” We don’t know what this mans sentence will be & his family will be fighting in court & reliving his murder for a long time. if you’ve had a loved one murdered then you know there is NEVER really justice. They are still gone forever at the end of the day. Cannons life ended at 5. He didn’t even make it to kindergarten. WHERE is the Justice? THERE IS NONE. I think it’s disgusting that you would use Cannons death & people bringing attention to it to complain about “why BLM is necessary”. YOU are exploiting Cannons death & justifying it for this fraudulent agenda. BLM is acting as a weapon against themselves & finally people are starting to see that. They are going into the suburbs demanding “white people” to give up their homes (for racial equality??) they are extorting money from Cuban immigrant business (for justice for police brutality????) they have burned & looted businesses & homes of people struggling during the pandemic. They have enticed racial division throughout the country & have enticed violence & hatred amongst their supporters THE LIST GOES ON. By you ending your article with RIP Cannon while promoting BLM is manipulative & disgusting. Cannons life mattered, his killers life did not.

LT said...

Here we go again... stop having the conversation then if it bother you. Many of us won’t listen anyway to YOUR opinion. There are people who do not support this Marxist movement. My family is from Cuba so people better not expect me too either. If BLM wants “racial equality” then why are they currently extorting money from Cuban immigrant business owners?? Cannons Murder was different then George Floyd because Cannon was an innocent child. NONE of the other names you mentioned were pre kindergarteners. YOU are exploiting his memory by using it to complain “what about BLM”??? Cannons life mattered, his murderers life does not matter. I just listed 10 or more names of white men & women killed by police. My boyfriend was among those names. “SAY HIS NAME” has been used by the members of the “justice Families” group for over a decade. Get your facts straight. MOST of the families of names I mentioned got justice for their loved ones. You accuse everyone of “exploiting this child” because we think he deserves national attention. How manipulative. Did you get paid to write this article? Are you using his death for your own BLM agenda? The only reason the media finally started covering Cannons death is because of all the SAY HIS NAME hashtags linked to his name- yet you complain that “it was a black lives matter phrase”. Pathetic. This baby’s family has not gotten Justice. They will relive his death in court for a long time before knowing the result. Cannons life ended at 5 years old at the hands of a black man (does that upset you? Sorry It’s a fact- even if the media hides it or not)

Unknown said...

This was obviously a man who was having mental issues.

D F said...

How about Duncan Lemp? White conservative kid shot in his bed (just like Breonna Taylor, who I agree also deserves justice) in a no-knock raid in 2020 by Baltimore cops because he posted things they didn't like about jews on social media.

The Baltimore cops still haven't released bodycam footage, and the Lemp family was not allowed to protest peacefully in April 2020. (But BLM can protest violently!)

Also, this whole post ignores the massively high crime rate among Black Americans, which is the driver of their high rates of contact with police. Even then, police killings of innocent Blacks are EXTREMELY rare (2 in 2019), whereas Black killings of innocent police are considerably mroe common.

Unknown said...

Martyrs? These guys were common criminals. Your whole post is hypocritical. More unarmed whites are killed by police than black or brown people. But the 13% of the population you say is treated unjust are the 0nes that commit over 50% of violent crimes. Case at point, what in the hell did a white 5 year old boy name CANNON HINNANT do that was so terribly wrong that a full grown black man had to execute him? Please explain. Blm protesters have proven to be violent and hurt innocent people. Fuck'em

Unknown said...


soviettraitor said...

All of you asking will you "will you be still fan of blacks is black guy rapes your daughter?", if you are racist enough to ask this and if you don't take racial equality as axiom and demand blacks to show evidence and believe that the white dominance is rightful because of their success and what your race invested in this country, and don't want to admit wrongs of your race, EVEN IF YOU JUST TALKING AND VOTING AND HAVE NOT KILLED ONE BLACK PERSON YOURSELF I STILL HOPE YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE EXTENDED CATCH CORONAVIRUS AND DIE ALONG WITH EVERY PROUD WHITE PERSON. And by the way I ain't black. I am white I am a Russian Jew