Sunday, June 14, 2020

About Town 6/14/2020

This week's photos of Columbia

No Fear

For President

Lawn sign

A citizen weighs in on a personnel issue.

At work on the Market House:


Line-up at Coffee & Cream

 They'll do it every time.

 This squirrel was the cause of a power outage that affected several residents of the 500 block of Chestnut Street on Saturday morning. The squirrel caused a transformer to blow out in the 500 block of Avenue G and paid dearly for it.

 This metal grate over a groundhog hole was moved aside.
(Is there a super-groundhog down there?)

 Parking meters can double as bucket hangers.

 Construction continues at 403 Locust.

A lighting study is currently underway on the Veterans Memorial Bridge in advance of a multi-million dollar bridge rehabilitation project.

Lighting of various intensities and colors is being tried in an effort to control the yearly mayfly pile-ups on the bridge.

Replacing some signs on Chestnut Street:

 A PennDOT worker replaced damaged signs on the 400 block of Chestnut Street this week.

The signpost was knocked over last week by a car that jumped the curb.

There's the car.


 This is true.

 Roofer at work on the 200 block of Locust

 Lawn flowers

 Let's rock!

 Down at Front and Bridge

 Time for some housekeeping

 The lot at River Park is often full on weekends.

 This sign indicates where the trail starts.

But visitors, still confused, frequently travel the upper part of Heritage Drive to the field, looking for the trail. 

 Often the lot is so filled that drivers park anywhere and everywhere.


 One of the entrances to Riverfront Drive

 Killdeer - a pretty common sight down at the tracks

 Roadwork at 2nd & Perry

 Food distribution on South 4th, thanks to Columbia Presbyterian

 The second block of South 4th

 Way down the river

 Hitch your wagon.
Or at least fill it with flowers.

Storming the barricades to place the flag on Sunday morning

This one on Purples Lane needs an intervention.

Flag Day - June 14, 2020

This is a photo. It is not a criticism or indictment. It is merely a photo of dedicated men at work performing duties that help serve the public. Unfortunately, some people - including local officials - might try to imply that a photo (or video) represents something that it doesn't. They might try to assign motives or intent behind it. Do not uncritically accept what you are told by others.

[Submitted photo]

And for those who prefer news that's not too upsetting, here's a photo of a cute little bunny rabbit.


The following photos were submitted by Todd Stahl:


And here are some photos commemorating graduation 2020, from Glenda Jones and Larry Hince:

1 comment:

Howard Stevens said...

The Community Aids containers should be Removed, My wife and I donate all the time, we take it down there. Also they are getting fussier, They only are accepting certain things. As always a good thing going bad by a few. I'm going to bring this up at Council meeting. Such a shame. Who gets the Codes Violation for this?