Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Lock Box ordinance causing concerns in Columbia Borough, business owners expected to protest

Knox Box at a business at 6th & Walnut

Business owners in Columbia are expected to voice concerns about a lock box ordinance tonight during a Borough meeting.

Fox 43 reported from Fricke's Hardware in Columbia this morning.



Anonymous said...

shouldn't it be THEIR choice? break down the door and they can replace's ALL about control

Anonymous said...

Yes it is all about control they always want there way and they always get there way

Anonymous said...

Sure it is about control. And the safety of emergency personnel. And the risk of lawsuits in the case of a false alarm. There are a lot sides to this issue.

Anonymous said...

My tax dollars are working for the borough! Let every tax borough property have a lock box!!

Anonymous said...

including the river cottages.

Radical rag said...

I dont want to pay taxes, can we have a meeting about that to? Buy the lock boxes, its a safety for your buisness, people really need to understand the inpotance of them!!! Also think of the volunteers that go to these buisnesses to help when they call, people would really complain if we didnt have good vollunteers helping in the fire service

Anonymous said...

Knox boxes should be up to the business owner. I respect the role if the volunteers but it's getting ridiculous. I was a volunteer fire fighter in the 70s. This was never a problem then and isn't a problem now. Arrive at a call and find no evidence of a fire just leave. The fire dept has no legal responsibility to do more. A samll business owner can't afford this.

Anonymous said...

If the door is broken to gain access to the building, the fire department or police must stay until a key holder arrives. This can take several hours if the key holder is not in the area. The fire dept won't leave the building unsecure. This then takes volunteers away from their families longer than necessary. With the box in place the door would unlocked and then can be relocked.

Brian Long said...

It's not an issue of safety - not one of the business owners at the Wednesday night meeting disputed the efficacy of a access entry system. And every one of lauded the volunteer fire fighters who serve.

What I saw and heard is they were opposed to the mandated requirements on business owners. In a superficial Internet search, we found dozens of municipalities across the state and many more across the nation that provided for the voluntary installation of the lock box (in this case Knox box) systems.

They, too, voiced concerns whether the ordinance would be equitably applied.

Anonymous said...

actually the fire dept is required to investigate even if there is no visible evidence of fire. If the fire dept didn't investigate, the dept can be held liable for not properly investigating. The box allows entry to investigate without causing damage especially if there is no fire and no key holder available.

Anonymous said...

Who are you to say every one should have a lock box i thought we lived in a free country but i am sure anymore when a few people can tell us what to do next you will be telling us when we can breathe enough is enough time for this council to go but we keep putting them back i want to know.why

Anonymous said...

Yes, not only CAN we have a meeting about taxes, there are a lot of people who have been meeting and working tirelessly for years to eliminate property taxes. The government is not only taking our money, they are slowly encroaching on our freedoms. Who is "R Citizen" to order business owners to buy the box and install it! It should be voluntary with a mandatory stipulation for repeat offenders. Those creating the ordinance needed to study it more in-depth from all sides. I wonder if any business owners were approached prior to the ordinance going into effect and asked their opinion.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Lets see how nice I can be about the Boro meeting last night in Columba Pa.
The meeting was about business in the boro to put KNOX BOXES WITH KEYS outside my store to enter in case of a "EMERGENCY" . I sat thru the whole meeting and their were some good points as well as bad ones. Myself owning my own store in the boro making me purchase one of them. I ask a question that me living in the same building and there is a fire upstairs how would they enter MY LIVING quarters???. I was told it would be the fasts way they could. Ok let's see if I got this Flying Circus ideal right...... Upstairs on fire bust the door down ... But wait if the store is on fire they will call 911 waiting to find the code number to the KNOX box then give it to the fire or police to enter!!!! I have all the repect in the world for the Firemen as well as the Police ( Oh let me not forget about are SERVICE Men and Lady's that keep me FREE}. Everybody says to me in all the years being a shop owner (22 Yrs) I need to go to the Boro meetings... Well this being said I did .There will be Hell freezzzzing up to the moon before I enter another one.. There were very good questions ask just to be shot down!!!! There was a DR he asks the ROBOT MAN from the knox box company about havivig his business broken into if the key was stolen from the lock box and the patients records removed would the KNOX BOX Co be liable for the HIPPA law???? Insurance co would not cover it if the building was not forced entered... ROBO KNOT MAN told the Dr to find another Insurance company.... There are very good and friendly shop owners in the meeting just didn't matter to this one guy on the COUNCIL seat. I was listening to him and if I would have shut my eyes I would have thought I was listening to "KIM JONG LU" and I was in North KOREA!!!!!! That meeting was DECIDED way before I entered that room... I would like to thank the Mayor Lutz as well as The Gentleman I think his name was Mr Murphy as these 2 do care about the boro...This Boro always seeking DONATIONS from business owners... Quess What the BUCK stops here!!! If you want any money take it out of my HIGH TAXES !!!!!! Better maybe the cats litter box!!!!!! PS I was told they want to make this boro a LITTLE LITITZ.. Good Luck with that...You should be working with the shops instead of throwing codes down our throats!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is making all the money on these $500 metal boxes ??

Anonymous said...

Actually the fire dept cannot be held liable. Perhaps a thorough read of court cases and an understanding of qualified immunity will help understanding this.

Anonymous said...

What is happening to our town it is getting worse? It's not a free place anymore being told what to do. We are not children. Someone better wake up before it's a ghost town like business because of this Knox thingy.