Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Colonial Metals has closed, employees want answers, company keeps mum

"We would love it if the company were to let all of the employees know a way that we can get in contact with them, to make sure that they can transfer to other jobs," Lancaster County Commissioner Josh Parsons said.




Radical rag said...

The union, needs to step it up, get these people working again!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Borough can give them a $650,000. grant and a 10 year tax break to keep 100 people working ??

Unknown said...

Jack Gamby for mayor

Anonymous said...

It isn't quite that easy. Hopefully, they will be working soon.

Anonymous said...

What is all this Jack Gamby for mayor stuff? Is he contemplating this?

Radical rag said...

What do you mean its not that easy, the united steelworkers union is huge, so if they call the union see if they have openings in amother company, just get them working, hell the union took money for years from these employees now get them to work

Anonymous said...

What makes you think that the union isn't trying to get these folks back to work? Hopefully all these workers are journeymen or they may face a lay-off period.

Unknown said...

Can the employees buy it?