Saturday, September 30, 2017

Columbia newsletter being mailed to residents

Columbia Borough's fall newsletter, The Columbia Connection, is currently being mailed to residents. The publication contains news, calendars of events, and project updates.

The newsletter is available as a pdf HERE.


Anonymous said...

I spent some time reading "A Local Take on Some Words of Wisdom" written by Kelly Murphy, Council President. The article appears in the new Columbia newsletter. I have to disagree, our problems are different than some other communities. I have compared our community to Marietta and Mount Joy and I do not see animal waste, blighted homes, properties in disrepair. Actually I've been watching this closely to try and figure out where our problem lies. Even the shopping center or grocery strip mall is significantly cleaner in Mount Joy compared to Columbia. I will not approach a dog owner to advise them that they need to clean up after their pet. Why should I get into an altercation and place myself at risk? I was not hired to enforce dog laws. There are deeper problems here that cannot be corrected or at least not easily corrected. Problems that cannot be fixed by inviting more poverty to town.

Annie Mouse said...

Reality might be others' perception.

Anonymous said...

Reality? I've lived it. Been here for decades. I hope you aren't basing Columbia's greatness on 13 reviews, some of which were not so great. It's a nice place to visit, or at least it was, but try living in it. Poverty and a lack of education are dragging any progress back down. It's like a skilled swimmer jumping in to save a drowning victim​, they get pulled under.

Anonymous said...

the REAL problem in COlumbia is the more than 800 rental properties and the transients who come to town

Anonymous said...

Along with the elected officials.