Tuesday, January 5, 2016

School loans postponed as Lancaster County districts receive partial state funding

Columbia received almost $4.4 million from the state in this week's payment. The total includes the first six months of state aid, as well as some other funds, such as pension reimbursements and federal grants that were withheld during the impasse.


Anonymous said...

They had no choice! Its either you give us the money, or you take over our school dist.

Anonymous said...

As long as that school district is kept,the town will never recover. There is no way to keep our small town & have that big drain.

Bob said...

Correct,,, something needs done ASAP.

Anonymous said...

When you elect people to the school board who have family that are teachers in the district do you think they'll be putting the taxpayers first. Do you think they want consolidation.

Anonymous said...

Yep, and they'll make up the difference on the already bruised backs of the taxpayers!

Anonymous said...

We the taxpayers will recover when the school is bankrupt, possibly two years from now. It would be sooner if the board stopped hiking up the taxes. It's like pulling a Band-Aid off slowly. Just rip it the eff off and be done with it!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say the presidents wife is a school teacher and it's been that way for well over a decade now. The newest hire related to another board member co-owns property together. So neither he nor the president should be voting on raises for teachers! How is this not unethical???

Anonymous said...

Educating the children should come first. Working now towards a consolidation in a planned manner would be the best way. Unfortunately the school boards family connection & the states politicians not wanting to do the hard things will force these kids to have a substandard education compared to their surrounding school districts. Shame on all of you.