Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Susquehanna River trail segment through Chickies Rock County Park to be built this year


Anonymous said...

MUST ask this...are council persons aware of or have ANY idea what kind of businesses, etc that the zoning officer is encouraging. i see where theres something going in at old mc konly laundramat.....we really could use more than another car lot. how about a sandwich shop???? or craft store???? or combo along with craft classes???? anything different.

Anonymous said...

i agree that i have heard some very weird things about empty buildings and thier acceptable uses??? you would think the mayor, boro mgr and council would be encouraging & educating the zoning officer as to WHAT WE NEED AND WANT HERE.

Anonymous said...

yes. totally. 100%. there are people in thie Boro who know just what we need in some of these empty buildings. WHY doesn't anyone encourage, advertise & advertise some more some of the props with a pic???? c'mon. it's 2015.