Thursday, April 16, 2015

Columbia deserves support

Redevelopment experts hired by the nonprofit Columbia Economic Development Corp. presented a plan last week aimed at revitalizing the borough's downtown. About 75 people attended the presentation held April 8 at a Columbia banquet hall. The experts' key recommendations are to: revitalize Market House, the borough's 146-year-old farmers market; entice more antiques and art dealers and get them together to add murals and outdoor seating; and  encourage upscale housing.


Anonymous said...

Why not do this, see what and how many homes owners ( NOT RENTAL PROPERTIES) but home owners are living at or below poverty. Then Columbia Borough help them out with fixing their homes or giving them breaks on their property taxes!! Not just the few homes on the out side of Columbia, BUT all the homes if qualified!! When people retired and live on fix income 10 years ago was fine, but when everything goes up in ten years meaning taxes, healthcare, and other things and your pay does not increase to off-set inflation then you have a problem!! BIG TIME!! Some home owners have been living in this town for 35-40+ years! They should be the ones to GET THE HELP from Columbia Borough! To keep them in this town, and not to let them lose their homes under foreclosure! That is one reason why we have all these rental properties in this town. If Columbia can fix this, we can STRIVE as Owners and NOT RENTERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The reason why we have tenant properties is due to NO JOBS. People move to an area for jobs and schools. I am all for new businesses in Columbia like Art and Antiques, however these businesses bring view jobs. Columbia needs college educated jobs !

Anonymous said...

There are jobs outside Columbia (not far) that pay good! You are missing the point. If we can get( home owners) to pay less taxes in this town, RENTAL PROPERTIES we fade out in the future! People will stay in town and They will be able to keep their own home!!! Another way to get rid of section 8's is to fade them out. When someone moves out for whatever reason on a section 8 the land lord may not rent it out to section 8 again!!!!

Anonymous said...

Look at some of the business in this town that have gotten HUGE TAX BREAKS, when their time of low or no tax is up they leave!! The Borough has to stop these tax breaks for business! They dont work! No tax money coming in for Property Owner's!!!

Anonymous said...

SO TRUE ABOUT THE SECTION 8 RENTERS!!! GIVE THE PEOPLE IN THE BORO., THAT OWN THEIR HOMES, OR ARE BUYING THEM, THE TAX BREAKS, NOT THE ALMIGHTY BUSINESSES THAT COME AND GO! Or better yet, not the people that buy up properties and then try to make lots of money without doing much work, or paying any taxes, or anything else in the Borough. These groups of people are not working for the other people that have lived here for years, it's only to make sure these groups get theirs, in tax breaks and whatever else they can take. Also, the market house is one very costly building. Does anyone have the costs on the heating bills, etc.????

Anonymous said...

wow. really. UPSCALE HOUSING????? then i suggest you get rid of ALL Lthe hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of nasty rental properties. ONLY keep the ones that have owners who live within 15 minutes of here and who actually take an interest in the way their properties look. since the code dept doesn't.

Anonymous said...

the market house COULD be booming. get rid of the trust immediately. then bring in more than 1 person who sells produce, luchmeats, etc. THATS what a market is all about. not 1 of each. no competition.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. I think you are missing the point. If jobs are outside of Columbia then why would the people in those jobs come to Columbia? If you want people to come to Columbia you need jobs for them HERE. Also... reducing or eliminating property tax will not reduce rental units. It will actually increase it. Why would a landlord sell a property that now he does not have to pay property tax on? Paying property tax does not stop people from buying a home. Having enough down payment stops people from buying a home. AND the reason people don't have enough down payment is because they do not have have a good paying job( back to my first point).

Anonymous said...

They( Land Lords) are exempt from the lower taxes!! Also, most Borough employees are from out of town!! Good paying jobs right here in town, gone to people that don't live here!! Another BIG BLOW for the people of Columbia!! These are facts!! Like i said before, wants a section 8 renter leaves for what ever reason, the land lord can not rent that unit out as section 8!! Sooner or later they will be fazed out!! Wake up people and take action!!!!

Anonymous said...

All utility expenses for the market house are paid for out of the rents collected from stand holders.

Anonymous said...

When the taxes add a minimum of $350/month to a reasonable mortgage P&I of $700, it is no longer a reasonable payment.

Anonymous said...

HighbTaxes are why homes in the Boro are not selling. My neighbors house has been on market for a year. When interested parties see what the taxes are they go out side the Boro and purchase a similar home for more money but a lot less tax.

Anonymous said...

Most who can afford to choose where to live, wouldn't live in Cola.
With what the boro employees are paid they don't have to live in Cola.

Anonymous said...

But, they take Columbia jobs from the Borough and dont live here. Thats the point!! Borough should not hire outside Columbia!!

Anonymous said...

WOW. REALLY. THEN no company should ever hire outside the town in which they are located!!! SERIOUSLY? C'MON. get real. get a life.

Anonymous said...

The borough jobs should mostly be people that live in Columbia! Get real up there!! Keep jobs and the people that live here together! Their health insurance and pay all Way to good for this small town, but they dont want to live here and pay TAXES!! They want it both ways!! Sorry if you dont agree!!!

Anonymous said...

first i think that before you speak, you SHOULD know the FACTS.

Anonymous said...

I speak, because i know the FACTS!!