Sunday, July 19, 2015

It's time to take a serious look at school consolidation

Here's an interesting read: City Must Pay Blogger $200,000 For Illegally Banning Her From Filming

The City of Cumming, Georgia must pay out $200,000 in a settlement with citizen journalist Nydia Tisdale, who operates the website This comes after the blogger filed a federal lawsuit when the city illegally banned her from filming a Cumming City Council meeting.

“This settlement sends a powerful message that government officials cannot shroud their operations in secrecy by barring truth-telling video,” said Gerry Weber, lawyer for Tisdale, on “But more, the lawsuit has unveiled decades-old practices of an entrenched City government that has left its citizens in the dark. The Mayor’s actions were a blatant violation of citizens’ constitutional rights to record public meetings.”


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Into The Woods: Be Careful What You Wish For

Grand Summer Theater returns to Marietta when Susquehanna Stage Company presents Steven Sondheim and James Lapine’s complex fairytale musical Into the Woods, opening July 16.
(L to R in above photo: Little Red, Wolf, Baker's Wife, Jack, Baker)
The movie Shrek took well-known fairy tales and twisted them for comic and original results, but the Brothers Grimm would never have envisioned the spin that Sondheim and Lapine put on their beloved creations. The main characters come from the classic fairytales CinderellaRapunzelJack and the Beanstalk and Little Red Riding Hood, and are tied together by a unique overarching story involving a baker and his wife and their quest to begin a family. Into the Woods explores these stories on a new level, uncovering the consequences of the characters’ wishes and dreams. As in life, not everyone has the chance to live “happily ever after.”
Into the Woods debuted on Broadway in 1987 and ran for 764 performances and garnered many Tony Awards including Best Actress in a Musical (Bernadette Peters) and Best Original Book and Score. Theater geeks and aficionados call this show Into the WORDS due to the dense lyrics and complex story details. Director Jim Johnson said, “The musical is a daunting project for stage voices, but Into the Woods is a tour de force that captures the wit and intricacy of Sondheim’s work.”
The cast for Into the Woods is Asher Johnson (Baker), Jordyn McCrady (Baker’s Wife), Stacia Smith (The Witch), Kayla Azaroff (Little Red), John Fleming (Jack), Eileen Cushey (Jack’s Mother), Ali Fleming (Rapunzel), Jon Mortensen (Rapunzel’s Prince), Kat Prickett (Cinderella), Nick Smith (Cinderella’s Prince/Wolf), Tara Beitzel (Cinderella’s Stepmother), Lydia Jones (Lucinda), Lauren Lanas (Florinda), Sharon Boyer (Cinderella’s Mother/Granny), Robert Hein (Cinderella’s father), Linda Boozer (Giant), Morgan Rose (Snow White), Aiden Thomas (Sleeping Beauty), and Keiffer Kemmerly (Steward).
Musical direction is by Steve Hassinger, costume designer is Jacquee Johnson, set artist is Bob Brinser and stage manager is Scott Mackison.

The production runs July 16-26 For more information or to order tickets, visit or call 426-1277. Box office hours are Monday and Wednesday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 to 11 a.m. and one hour before show times. Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for those under age 18.

Susquehanna Stage Company is located in historic Marietta directly behind the Community House on West Market Street.

Specific show times are:
Thursday, July 16 8 p.m.
Friday, July 17 8 p.m.
Saturday, July 18 8 p.m.
Sunday, July 19 2 p.m.
Wednesday, July 22 8 p.m.
Thursday, July 23 8 p.m.
Friday, July 24 8 p.m.
Saturday, July 25 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday, July 26 2 p.m.

Or, to summarize:
Wednesday – Saturday evening performances at 8 p.m.

Sunday and 2nd Saturday matinee performances at 2 p.m.

Blunt and to the point

Columbia Spy has noted numerous cigarillo packets (of the kind shown below) lying around town lately. Either the cigarillo trend is really catching on . . . Or folks are using the cigarillo paper for rolling blunts - another trend that's really catching on.

Curing Columbia Crossing candid camera condition

The security camera in front of Columbia Crossing at Columbia River Park received special attention Thursday afternoon.  Let's hope that cures whatever was ailing it. 

Troubadour serenades at River Park

This troubadour serenaded passers-by at River Park Thursday evening, when the weather was mild.  Unfortunately, heat and humidity are forecast to rise today and tomorrow, leading to a sweltering weekend.

Light post damaged at 5th and Locust

This light post at North Fifth and Locust Streets was damaged by a vehicle earlier this week, possibly due to distracted driving. According to a witness, the driver was heading west on Lancaster Avenue and failed to negotiate a turn southwest onto Locust Street before striking the post. Currently, the base of the post is broken, and the traffic light control button is dangling by its wires. The witness also said someone recently removed one of the shards of metal from the base.