Saturday, April 5, 2014

Veterans Memorial Bridge to return to its 1930s look

New cast iron lanterns, reminiscent of the ones that graced the bridge decades ago, will be installed on the piers along the span on the Lincoln Highway in the coming weeks.

The Veterans Memorial Bridge, which spans the Susquehanna River between Wrightsville and Columbia, will return to its 1930s look this year.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Here yesterday, gone today?

A quick check at Laurel Hill Cemetery on Friday night showed that some graves retained their items while others didn't. It's possible that some items were replaced today in anticipation of this story breaking. (See preceding post.)
Previously, there was a sign at the entrance to the cemetery grounds, which stated that items left after a certain length of time will be removed. As of today, that sign was missing.
The cemetery's website contains a tab to download regulations, which directs the user to a page with a "Not Found" notice.

Cemetery visitors outraged by cleanup of flag holders, personal items

During a recent cleaning of the Laurel Hills Cemetery in Columbia, a groundskeeper cleared flowers, flag holders and personal items from many of the graves.
Visitors were outraged to learn some of the items had been thrown out without any notice.
Cemetery management says it was a mistake, calling it a miscommunication with the groundskeeper.
It salvaged some of the items that were removed and if any of these items belong to you, the cemetery plans to clean them, and put them back.

Friday afternoon bank robbery

Columbia Borough Police responded to the scene of a bank robbery at the Union Community Bank at 921 Lancaster Avenue. The bank was robbed at about 2 o'clock Friday afternoon.

 One person, determined to make a withdrawal, drove around the traffic cones and attempted to use the ATM while the investigation was in progress.  He was persuaded otherwise by a plainclothes officer.

A Brinks employee carried a satchel out the back to a waiting truck.

A bank surveillance photo of the alleged robber


The former Pizza Hut building along Route 462 was demolished today.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Better check it again

During today's heavy rain, potholes formed again at the area under repair in the Columbia Plaza parking lot.