Thursday, January 23, 2014

'Hearts and Souls' at Weavings Ink. in Wrightsville is a show of creativity and romance

Wrightsville art gallery Weavings, Ink. will present a show of romance and relationships in time for Valentine's Day.
Hearts and Souls will feature the pen and ink drawings of Robert Oughton, weavings by Phyllis Koster and antiques from the collection of Mary Beth Sloat. The show opens with a reception during Wrightsville's Fourth Friday.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Susquehanna river study featured in new DEP video

DEP has been fighting with the Fish and Boat Commission and environmental groups over whether or not to list the main branch of the Susquehanna as an impaired waterway. The agency has refused to make the designation, citing a lack of solid evidence - but it has also committed a team of scientists to gather information that eventually might support such a designation.

Judge strikes down Pa. voter ID; high court challenge likely

In his 103-page ruling, Commonwealth Court Judge Bernard McGinley concluded the 2012 voter identification law places an unreasonable burden on the fundamental right to vote, creating insurmountable obstacles for hundreds of thousands of people, many of them elderly and disabled.

Route 441 Project: Just The Beginning For Columbia

Basically, the plan will re-route 18-wheeler traffic out of the downtown historic and commercial district. Truck traffic has been an issue in the borough due to exhaust, and vibrations caused by heavy vehicles, which are shaking historic buildings, cracking foundations, and rendering plaster to dust.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Up in smoke

This driver was having problems with her car this afternoon as she drove across Sixth Street.  The smoke was so thick that it obliterated the view of drivers in the oncoming lane (and probably behind).