This week's photos of Columbia
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A seagull alighting on a light
Sunday afternoon at Columbia River Park
Datestone at 6th & Chestnut
A crew from a communications company working on overhead lines placed this orange sign near The Elks Lodge on Chestnut Street on Monday morning.
Unfortunately, they placed it right over an existing NO PARKING HERE TO CORNER sign.
Here's the rear view.
There were many clouds driven by high winds this week.
On Friday, a tree fell across Route 441, most likely as a result of sustained high winds. The incident occurred near the A-Okay Auto Glass Shop in Columbia and blocked traffic for several hours.
Various crews cut the tree apart, cleared the road, and repaired fallen power lines.
This vehicle was damaged in the incident.
This business is renting the borough's former sewer plant. The borough wants them to buy the building, but the railroad crossing leading to it needs to be reinforced, and therein lies the problem. Whoever is responsible for doing the job is "dragging their feet."
There's the facility.
Yep, the bridge is deteriorating.
The river's been high over the last few days. On Sunday afternoon, it was at 230, which is three feet above normal.
Apparently, the water level was even higher yesterday, judging from the location of debris.
Time for a new plaque?
The bell tower at Manor School is peeling.
Right there
The water company was on Walnut Street again.
At Saint James Lutheran
Just hanging 'round in Avenue G
Hawk at 700 Franklin Street -
In a few weeks, Columbia Borough will demolish the house that sits on this property to extend Franklin Street into the planned McGinness Innovation Park. At this point, it's unclear if the road construction will occur, since council seems conflicted about what it wants to do with the park project. The borough paid $229,000 for the house in 2022.
There might be a speed bump behind this door.
Meanwhile, in Washington Boro
Coming Soon: St. Patrick's Day
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