Sunday, March 2, 2025

About Town - March 2, 2025

 This week's photos of the Columbia 

Click on photos to see larger, sharper images. 

Police and firefighters responded to a house fire at South 3rd & Avenue J Saturday afternoon.

Earlier in the week (2/24/25), police and firefighters paid tribute to fallen officer Andrew Duarte as the motorcade passed through Columbia on Route 30.


Later in the week, officers were on duty on the first block of South 6th Street.


These skeletons on Manor Street remind us that St. Patrick's Day is coming soon. 

So too this one at Columbia Curiosities 

This woodpecker has been hanging around the area of North 5th & Chestnut. 


The Columbia logo has appeared on the column supporting the billboard on Route 30.

Here's a closer look.

Spiderman's in town. 

Good News Club



At the temple 

Left and right

Union Station is obviously open.

At work under the bridge 

Historic brick sidewalk 

Water company workers were working on Walnut Street this past week.

This hydrant appears to have been replaced.

This sign is tilting. 

The process of decay

Brick walkway at Mount Bethel 

There's leftover love on this hedge.

Within the hedge, this tiny creature lives.

Nutcrackers on Walnut 

Ribbons and bells

This really was the readout at pump #2 at Turkey Hill Experience. 

Tundra swans overhead 

The time-honored tradition of placing pennies on the tracks

Time for the wreaths to come down 

Biker gang 

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