Sunday, September 8, 2024

Columbia council discusses hiring single trash hauler for borough | Community News |

[Spy Note: Council hasn't adequately explained how having a single trash hauler would benefit residents.]

When: Columbia Borough Council meeting Sept. 3. Council members Joanne Price and Todd Burgard were absent.

What happened: Council members will explore contracting with a single trash hauler for the borough instead of allowing residents and businesses to choose from one of the eight companies that operate in Columbia.

Why it matters: Borough workers have a tough time keeping track of accumulated refuse because they don’t receive notification if a company stops collecting trash over an unpaid bill or if someone fails to hire a company, Heather Zink, borough president, said, adding that residents and businesses could save money if one hauler handles trash for the entire borough.

Caveat: Borough officials want to hear public comments before making any decisions.

Quotable: “We may have residents who feel strongly one way or the other,” Zink said in a Sept. 4 phone call. “This is a pretty significant change from what they’re used to.”

Why now: The owners of two of the borough’s longtime hauling companies have announced retirements, Mayor Leo Lutz said. “The time is right” to select a single company, he said. Zink pointed to excessive trash violations.

Next steps: Council asked Evan Gabel, borough solicitor, to prepare a request for proposal. Members will likely discuss whether to issue it sometime in October, allowing time for public comments. A move to a single hauler would happen near the end of this year, Zink said.

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