Sunday, September 15, 2024

Columbia Borough school board dismisses member, proposes budget calendar | Community News |

When: Columbia school board committee meeting, Sept. 3.

What happened: The school board voted unanimously to dismiss member Ryan Sexton, citing his absence as the reason for his termination. School board policy dictates a member is eligible for dismissal if they have unexcused absences for at least two consecutive board meetings. Sexton missed six meetings, including three workshops and three full board meetings.

Quotable: "The fact that these recent meetings (Sexton missed) included crucial action plans leading up to the start of the school year shows how important it is for our members to dedicate themselves to their role in our community," board member Kathleen Hohenadel said.

Response: Sexton did not return a request for comment via an email address and phone numbers listed for him online.
Next steps: With Sexton no longer a board member, the district has 30 days to fill his vacancy. Interested Columbia residents who are at least 18 years old and have resided in the borough for at least one year may go to the school board website for more information and to apply for a position. 

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