Monday, September 16, 2024

Deeds Recorded - Columbia Borough - September 16, 2024

Bigler Samuel L, Bigler Cynthia L. conveyed 175 Pleasant Ave. to Kathleen Walsh for $245,000.

Lara Guest conveyed 202 Poplar St. to Sam Fiorenza for $282,500.

Cancer keeping 18-year-old East Donegal Township man from firefighting, starting career | Local News |

Thanks to a Pennsylvania law passed in January 2023 to increase the number of volunteer firefighters, the age requirement for live burn and interior firefighter training dropped from 18 to 17 years old. Myles Hoffman completed the training and joined the Columbia Borough Fire Department last year, when he was 17 and a senior at Donegal High School.

Myles Hoffman has also recently received some encouraging news in that his latest scans show no signs of cancer in his body. In other words, the chemo drugs are doing their job.

He has endured eight of 12 scheduled rounds of chemo to this point, with the finish line for treatment targeted for mid-November.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

About Town - September 15, 2024

This week's photos of Columbia

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

A woman with a Navajo blanket

3rd & Locust in a window at 3rd & Locust

For the best in web design, contact your local spider.

Political signs

A Triumph Spitfire in excellent condition

Motorcycle parking at the Moose . . .


Peeking around the corner

When you take both spaces


Morning glories

In the window

Broken shutter

Detail of an organ in Avenue G

There's the organ.

Someone was here.

This pipe in the 300 block of Avenue G keeps spewing whatever this is.
A week or so ago, it was potatoes.

There are the aforementioned potatoes.

There goes our MS4 rating.
Some people think storm sewers are ashtrays.

An old movie poster at the State Theater Vintage Emporium

Three works by anndope at the Emporium


For rent on Locust

Morning papers

Ready for a Halloween party whenever one happens.

The new digital billboard along Route 30 is now operational.

Which is the right order?

Two birds talking it over

The Google car rolled through town this week.

Ticketmaster on the hunt

Mr. Joe needs letters.

These cyclists know where the trail is, but many visitors don't.

This guy was piloting a drone at River Park the other day.

There's the drone.

Taxpayers paid $1,000 for these two blue Columbia flags at borough hall.
$1,000 for two flags!

Ionic columns at the DAC

Albatwitch Day 10-05-24

National Hispanic Heritage Month

Caution tape

A worker on the roof of 209 Walnut Street -
There was a fire there on August 21.

Cartel train?


Columbia Borough school board dismisses member, proposes budget calendar | Community News |

When: Columbia school board committee meeting, Sept. 3.

What happened: The school board voted unanimously to dismiss member Ryan Sexton, citing his absence as the reason for his termination. School board policy dictates a member is eligible for dismissal if they have unexcused absences for at least two consecutive board meetings. Sexton missed six meetings, including three workshops and three full board meetings.

Quotable: "The fact that these recent meetings (Sexton missed) included crucial action plans leading up to the start of the school year shows how important it is for our members to dedicate themselves to their role in our community," board member Kathleen Hohenadel said.

Response: Sexton did not return a request for comment via an email address and phone numbers listed for him online.
Next steps: With Sexton no longer a board member, the district has 30 days to fill his vacancy. Interested Columbia residents who are at least 18 years old and have resided in the borough for at least one year may go to the school board website for more information and to apply for a position. 

Plans for $234M Veterans Memorial Bridge project now available online | Local News |

Project plans and comment forms will be available until Oct. 17 at under the "resources" section. The website also includes an 11-minute video showing how PennDOT plans to replace the bridge deck, barriers, horizontal beams, and vertical columns above the arches during construction.

The same information will be available at an open house scheduled for 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Columbia Market House, 15 S. Third St. in Columbia. No formal presentation will take place. Meter parking in Columbia will be free after noon on Tuesday for the meeting. 

Governor Shapiro Signs Executive Order Creating Pennsylvania’s First Housing Action Plan to Increase Affordable Housing, Address Homelessness, and Make Commonwealth More Competitive - PA Department of Community & Economic Development

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Columbia's Brad Chambers endorsed by Governor Shapiro and others for PA House 41st District

Brad Chambers at the Columbia Market House in April 2023
[Columbia Spy file photo]

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has officially endorsed Brad Chambers for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in District 41, which includes East Hempfield Township, West Hempfield Township, Mountville Borough, Columbia Borough, and part of Manor Township.

Governor Shapiro joins 41 other Pennsylvania elected officials, community leaders, labor unions, and organizations in endorsing Brad Chambers’ candidacy for the State House. This rapidly growing coalition reflects the momentum behind Chambers' campaign and his commitment to advancing the issues that matter most to working Pennsylvanians.

Some of Brad Chambers’ other endorsements include:

  • Bob Casey, United States Senator
  • Joanna McClinton, Speaker of the PA State House
  • Malcolm Kenyatta, PA State Rep. HD-181
  • Izzy Smith-Wade-El, PA State Rep. HD-49
  • Mike Sturla, PA State Rep. HD-96
  • Alice Yoder, Lancaster County Commissioner
  • IBEW Local 743
  • SEIU PA State Council
  • Conservation Voters of PA
  • Human Rights Campaign
  • Planned Parenthood of PA
“This campaign has always been about the people of the 41st and ensuring that their voices are heard in Harrisburg,” said Chambers. “I’m honored to have the support of Governor Shapiro and so many others who share my vision for a Pennsylvania that truly works for Lancaster County’s working families.”

The Pennsylvania House Democratic Campaign Committee (PA HDCC) has identified Chambers' race in HD-41 as "one of the most competitive races in the state." With all 203 seats in the Pennsylvania House up for election in 2024, and Democrats holding only a narrow one-seat majority, Chambers' race is crucial to expanding that majority.

"Defending and expanding our majority in the State House is essential to continuing the work already started for Pennsylvania’s families," said Chambers. "Under the leadership of Governor Shapiro and House Democrats, historic strides have been made in public education, workers' rights, and economic growth. But there's so much more to accomplish, and I’m ready to advocate for the people of Lancaster County in Harrisburg.”

ABOUT BRAD CHAMBERS - Brad Chambers is running for the State House in Pennsylvania’s 41st District. Brad is committed to building a Pennsylvania that works for Lancaster’s working families—not just the wealthy and well-connected. He’ll focus on lowering housing costs, healthcare and prescription costs, and property taxes, fully funding our public schools, and safeguarding reproductive rights and workers’ rights.

Learn more at

Full list of endorsements at

[Source: Press release]