Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Workers provide maintenance for Shawnee Run

Workers from LandStudies, Inc. began maintenance on a stretch of Shawnee Run today.

Two areas have experienced bank erosion due to deposited sediment from upstream areas exerting pressure on the newly stabilized banks. These areas of erosion needed to be addressed to maintain the pollution reduction credits associated with the project.

Columbia Borough has been using LandStudies to complete the monitoring and maintenance of the site as required by the US Army Corps/DEP joint permit.

The borough, in collaboration with the Columbia Catholic Housing for the Elderly (CCHE), completed a stream restoration project along Shawnee Run between the Mill Street and 4th Street bridges in the spring of 2021 which served to provide credits towards the borough's MS4 required Chesapeake Bay Pollution Reduction Plan.

LandStudies, Inc. provided the quote of $21,885.00 and proposed to remove areas of deposited sediment and stabilizing stream bank sections with large placed stones. The borough and CCHE are splitting the cost of this maintenance work 50/50 consistent with their cost share agreement.

[Source: June 11, 2024 Columbia Borough Council meeting packet]

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