Thursday, November 2, 2023

[LNP | LancasterOnline] USPS says placing unmarked material, like political literature, in mailboxes is illegal [Lancaster Watchdog]

Rob Misciagna, Columbia district leader for the Lancaster County Democratic Committee, said he believes many Columbia residents received illegally delivered political materials this weekend. Misciagna said Republican campaign literature was found in mailboxes across the borough as GOP candidates canvassed the area.

"These are all folks that really should know better," Misciagna said. "It's kind of just the latest instance of our local Republican campaign feeling like the rules don't apply to them."

Federal law prohibits anyone from putting materials into a mailbox without postage, according to the United States Postal Service — that covers anything from Christmas cards to cupcakes. Essentially, Postal Service staff members are the only people who can put things in mailboxes. Mail delivery without postage is a criminal offense.

"Any materials placed upon, supported by, attached to, hung from, or inserted into a mail receptacle must have postage," Postal Service spokesperson Mark Lawrence said via email.

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