Sunday, May 14, 2023

About Town - May 14, 2023

This week's photos of Columbia

Seen on North 3rd, near Linden on Thursday morning.

Officers were either serving a warrant or searching for a suspect.

Why does this sort of thing keep happening in Columbia?

Is it the power of the Dark Side?

Don't ask.
Because you might not like the answer.

Folks will just continue with their Victorian morality and look the other way.

Anyway, Happy Mothers Day!

The Oracle Star on the 200 block of Locust offered Tea & Tarot for the occasion.


Here's a mom and the kids at River Park.

Meanwhile, on Third St

Here's a true believer.

This one's off to services.

The former Columbia Drive-in

Flag Retirement Box at the VFW
There's another one at the Elks.

This can be yours for $100 at Tollbooth Antiques.

It even says COLUMBIA.

Remember: Only one of these is the U.S. Flag.

The Habitat for Humanity project on South 5th is progressing nicely.

The door is done (400 block of Walnut)

Pop-up starling

Vehicle blocking the road on South 4th

The Washington Boro skeletons are trying out their hippie garb.

Old piece on 441

Old piece on the bridge

Is this any way to run a campaign?


Trash City USA

At least the birds like it.

This piece is free.

Deer at the old airfield

Here's another one.


A law enforcement convoy rolled through town on Wednesday, May 10, on the way to Washington, D.C. to commemorate National Police Week.


Inane graffiti on the trail

[Submitted photos]


Natural Gas Vehicle?

Look busy! You don't want to get written up!

Don't forget to vote on Tuesday!

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