Sunday, December 11, 2022

About Town - December 11, 2022

 Recent photos of Columbia

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

Not a bomb - just a tank being removed from Columbia Kettle Works


A new arrival at Mount Bethel

Frost coated a cannon at the bridge plaza on Saturday morning.

Frost-covered mulch in the morning

Frost-covered rails

Saint John's Lutheran Church

A C.S. Davidson employee hung out next to River Park the other day.
A restoration project involving that large drain pipe will be started in the near future.

The 300 block of Avenue H - open, closed, open, closed, open?

Fiber optics were being installed around town all week.

Hopefully he was found.

Boost no more on the 400 block of Locust

Dirt was being moved at 700 Franklin Street on Wednesday.
Borough council voted 6-1 to purchase the property at $229,900.
The farmhouse will likely be demolished, and we'll be left with an expensive empty lot.

A recently damaged utility pole in the 500 block of Avenue F

Looks like Christmas is creeping up on us fast...