Friday, May 28, 2021


At the joint meeting with the school board, there was a discussion on buying the McGinness property. When this first started, and seeing what would go in there and still might, I was excited, even though I was against the borough being in the real estate business. I am, and will be, in favor of any business coming to Columbia. The problem is every time this issue is discussed information changes. At the meeting on Monday and hearing comments discussed, it was the last straw. You have to go and listen to it, and after hearing it tell me what you think, your take on it.

As of right now I can't vote yes to buy the property. This project will cost millions and one example is, councilwoman Lintner asked about the $15,000+ spent on attorney fees for April and they said that most of it was for this property. I admit I approved everything to go forward with this deal, but after Monday night, I'm sorry I can't do it. Your thoughts?

You know, if there was $2.5 million to blow, we could reduce our taxes by 2 mills for the next 3 years. Now that would help the homeowners and businesses in town, starting next year, not maybe if we get business in the McGinness property.


Sue said...

I agree with Stevens all the way we should not buy the property that is tax payers money soon the town won't have any money

Unknown said...

Start downtown empty store fronts. Columbia tax payers are not in the real estate business, no to mcguinnes