Sunday, March 7, 2021

About Town - March 7, 2021

This week's photos of Columbia

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

On Saturday night, the LanCarolers from Lancaster's Prima Theatre 
performed on the 400 block of Chestnut Street, as they did 

Columbia Spy was lucky enough to catch part of their performance.

Earlier in the week, this guy was maintaining streetlights around town.

Earlier yet, this murder of crows made themselves at home atop the Elks.

The one who squawks the loudest becomes the boss.
No brains required.
Same with humans.

Sudstown, a once-great Columbia establishment

The borough hall clocks will soon get new, updated motors. 

According to legend, the two holes in the one clock face (near XII o'clock and VI o'clock) are the result of someone firing a .22 from across the street.

It seems there's only one way of doing things in Columbia, quite often the wrong way.

Chopper flyover

Elevated mailbox for airmail, possibly from the chopper flyover . . .

. . . or from the warthog flyover.

New, improved dumpster, now with porta-pottie built right in!

Heavenly light leaking through the firmament

New reflective street signs are being installed around town due to state requirements.
So much for history.

Here's an example of the older ones.

This "Survey Vehicle" with a "Max Speed [of] 5 mph" hung briefly on Front Street last Thursday.
(It was going more than 5 mph after it pulled away.)

Not bad artwork at the canoe/kayak launch under the Veterans Memorial Bridge

Car transport trailer on North 6th

Lost door looking for a vehicle on South 3rd

We're still waiting for that bridge rehabilitation project - 
Will it happen in time?

This show window at Burning Bridge Antiques was replaced on Monday morning due to a large crack in the previous window.

Obviously a good place to drop your drawers

No ADA access!
Because someone didn't allow enough setback when the posts were installed.
Oh well, the borough will say it's "grandfathered in."

Dead but not gone

Tis the season

Seating for chairmen and chairwomen

A head for flowers

Searching for salvation at Borough Hall

Here are three views of the river from Todd Stahl:


Radical rag said...

Columbia is full of out of spec ada ramps, and there are alot of corners that need ada ramps added or adjusted,

Sue said...

I agree