Sunday, April 5, 2020

About Town 4/5/2020

This week's photos of Columbia

Taco Nazi says,
"No tacos for you!" at Tacos to Go until further notice.

Morning light

A few more fog pictures from Monday morning...

 Sparrow peeking through

Cormorant and friend

Tall window on Locust

 Citizens are urged to.

 Tangled in the fly swatter

 Almost ready

 Saint Francis

There's been a lot of web activity lately. 
Spiders have been busy (here and below).

 Precautions at St. John's Herr Estate

 "Tree" o'clock


 Daffodils in a row

 A full supply of F-bombs

Speaking of "bombs"

 At the Marine Corps League headquarters

On Ironville Pike

 In bloom

 Out at Norwood

 An earth-sheltered domicile

 Suitable for anyone named Bilbo, Frodo, or Samwise

 Another F-bomb ready to go

 Lancaster Container on Bridge Street is OK to operate.

At the town square . . . 
Flowers made from silverware (here and below)

And a new butt holder has been placed.

 Free stuff . . .
Capitalists don't want people to get free stuff.





 The Easter Bunny was surveying the area to determine whether or not he'll be here next week.

 Four towers and an evergreen


 Woodpecker on high

 Loose doggos at Laurel Hill Cemetery

 In case of emergency

 Love trumps hate.

 Semi-feral feline on Locust

 Folks still aren't getting it.

Central PA Food Bank truck at Columbia Presbyterian

 Workers unloading supplies there

 Palm Sunday

 Morning song

Despite the note . . .

 People dump stuff anyway.

Photographer at work

 Turkey vulture . . . waiting . . .

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