Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Columbia taxpayers to be hit with another tax hike, this time from the school board

Columbia taxpayers will soon be paying more in school taxes.  

According to the Lancaster Online "School briefs" shown below, the Columbia Borough School Board recently approved an increase of 2.5% as part of its 2019-20 budget.  Although the article incorrectly states that the current millage is 25.63, the other figures shown are basically correct.  The current millage, as shown in the millage chart below, is actually 25.8163.  

Columbia Borough already has the highest school tax millage rate, as well as the highest overall millage rate (municipal, school, county) in Lancaster County, at 36.7273 mills.


Ronald Worby said...

Shhhhh... It's OK. Just keep opening the wallets.

QuestionS to the CBSD Board:
- Is there a plan do reduce spending?
- What measures are being taken to reduce spending expenditures to operate?
- Would it not be more cost effective to house all schools in on building complex?
- Ever think that you should start running this district as a business and start running it fiscally smart?

Ronald Worby,
Columbia Borough Tax Payer and "deep pocket piggy bank"

VJ Menard said...

SB 76 needs to be voted on and passed