Sunday, November 4, 2018

About Town - 11/4/18

This week's photos from around Columbia

 An ET visited Columbia, and - you guessed it - no intelligent life here.

 What, already?
(Burning Bridge Antiques)

 The still-troubled and still-troublesome 300 block of Avenue G

 That's right. Fido might not be able to tolerate the THC.

 At work on the 300 block of Cherry

 At work on the 500 block of Walnut

 Doing burnouts!
Not really - It's just steam from water on the roller.

 And back again

 Nekkid lady pondering an ibis
(100 block of Walnut)

 Depth of field

This church recently celebrated an anniversary of some sort.

 Here's its datestone.

 And here's the church building.

 Back on Walnut Street - a compact steamroller

 Dueling steamrollers!

 Big men casting long shadows

 Keeping an eye on things

 Spreading the asphalt

 Evening it out

Reaching for it

 On up the street

 Both sides now

Three on one

 Watch out for that car!

Here's the finished product.

 But the sidewalks . . . 

 Expansion joints going every which way

Here too - always above the misaligned drain pipes.
Is this to spec?

 The sun recently set over in Wrightsville.

 There's a canoe stored under Columbia Crossing.

 The dog poop bag dispenser is down.

 Interesting lawn ornament on North 6th

 Cockscomb at NAWCC

 McClintock Clock - tick-tock

 So, the driver on the right slipped by on the inside to make a right turn as the other driver was about to make a right turn.

 Here's an old piece from the Godwin-Falcon Fire Department.

 Google tells us the department is in North Carolina.

 Chickens in a basket or something
(Tollbooth Antiques)

 Chimney fit for a king
(3rd & Chestnut)

 West side of the Hermansader House

 An all-seeing eye can be seen there, too.

 Filling in the beauty strips with dirt on Walnut

 She whipped the leaf blower around too fast and ripped a hole in the space-time continuum.

At work downtown

 Bursting forth on Chestnut

Seems fitting somehow

 Oversized pothole at 2nd & Perry

 Echoes of Halloween

 Uh . . . how about NO?

 Beady-eyed crow

C'est la vie

C'est la mort

 You don't want Fido to be locked up, do you?
(Janson Park)

Sorry, but those Beatles lyrics still keep echoing:
"I used to get mad at my school,
The teachers that taught me weren't cool,
You're holding me down, turning me 'round,
Filling me up with your rules!"

 Two fighter jets flew over on Thursday afternoon - way up - and carrying missiles.

This is a closer shot of the same jet.

(Cherry Street)

And its little brother - and a littler brother?
(North 5th)

 Animal shelter progressing

 Cute couple



 Neatly coiffed alleyway
Who mows it?

 Skeleton taking a load off

 Another peek-a-boo window
(600 block of Chestnut)

 Time to pick up the mail - all of it - at the apparently empty apartment house at 2nd & Walnut.

 OVERSIZE LOAD on Chestnut (Route 462)

 Finally, some activity at Hickernell's office, at least outside it

 A load of asphalt with nowhere to go

It ended up here, next to the parking lot on Bank Avenue.
(Can you reheat cold asphalt?)

 Lamb Chop hung out to dry

 A new fountain at Columbia River Park

 Here's another view

 There's also a lower access for Fido to wash down that THC.

 The Wright Mansion, autumn-shrouded

 Looking spiffy at Art Printing

 There goes Andre!

 Sign down!
(Commerce Street)

 Runners - one locally famous

 Heron in hiding - sort of

 Jet following the jet stream

 Something with muddy paws walked on this rail.

 Drain grate

 Glued to the TV, as many folks are.

 Buckeye flutter-by grounded

 That's a mighty tall flagpole, that flagpole is.

 Hood ornament

More ghost signs - The one at the top reads "COLUMBIA."
(Bootleg Antiques)

Here are a few submitted photos:

 A Knox Box taped shut!

 A pipe is sticking out of the sidewalk.

 Oh yes it is.

 And the mattress collection continues to grow - now with an old-time TV.

 Shaky fence with weeds - and a multi-street street sign.

The photo intrigued us enough to take a closer look and sure enough, there it is.

Here's a shot submitted by Patrick "Phos" Martin. He explains that it is a composite of 16 separate shots taken from a tripod set up in the middle of Bridge Street several years ago. Wow! Even the ghost sign reading "MYERS MACHINE TOOL CORPORATION" is visible.
Nice work!


Radical rag said...

Its prob. Cold patch, aka cold mix in that backhoe pic, also steam roller??? Its a compaction roller, spray system wets the drum, steam is produced between the wet drum and the hot asphalt,

Anonymous said...

That pipe that sticks up also has a part of sidewalk that moves right beside great pics as always

Anonymous said...

The picture of Grace EC church at the corner of 8th and Walnut sts just had its 125 anniversary on Sunday Oct.21st

Joe Lintner said...


Anonymous said...

great pic of the heron and hod ornament...nice eye!

Anonymous said...

The pic of the water fountain at the money pit just shows the councils mindset of throwing tax payers money away , this is a really a miss use of tax dollars and borough workers time, these people have to be stopped. Columbia can look like hell but they keep POURING money into the pit.

Anonymous said...

It is where the water shut off is .

Anonymous said...

The weeds on concord st have been there all summer CODES? It was a pic on the spy earler

Anonymous said...

I have a hundred bucks that says that the fountain is hit by a car in less than a year . WASTE of tax money again WHO OK IS GIVEN FOR THESE THINGS???????

Anonymous said...

What is so bad about a water fountain? Makes perfect sense!

Anonymous said...

how many thousand did that fountain cost?

Anonymous said...

they are inside

Anonymous said...

Money pit? Doubtful. It's bringing people into town which is what we want and they are visiting places. I guess the narrow minded don't see that. Better yet, try volunteering down there and see for yourself oh thats right you'd rather complain instead.

Anonymous said...

The "Money Pit" as some call it was initially to be a maintenance free building. How quickly we forget. It's anything but! Paying over $100,000 a year for management. Paying for (what appears to be daily) custodial services. Cost associated with remodeling the inside of the newly constructed building. $20,000 for a cement pad under the building. Thousands to seal-coat the steps. Council promoted this as a maintenance free building with the exception of one who said "this is the gift that keeps on taking." The taxpayers are footing the bill for everyone else to enjoy. We are supposed to then be thrilled that these visitors are spending money at private businesses in the downtown. How again does that benefit the town taxpayers? Some of those businesses are not even paying their taxes in a timely fashion. We are told that all of this helps raise our property value, which in turn raises our taxes.

Mary said...

The water fountain was funded by a Susquehanna Riverlands Conservation Landscape Mini-Grant that was awarded in 2017. There will also be a bike repair station installed as part of this grant.

Anonymous said...

Name them then

Anonymous said...

Did they pay for the LABOR!!

Anonymous said...

grant are loans.

Anonymous said...

TAX PAYERS pay the grants back ,

Anonymous said...

give the code dept the address!

Anonymous said...

and they are about to add MILLIONS AND MILLIONS MORE!!!! PHASE III COMING RIGHT UP! go to council mtgs. and DON"T let council fool you, THEY are the ones voting YES to spend all the money! Make them accountable.

Anonymous said...

wake up people. there are a few that have or had a personal agenda. when this all started with the river park many many years ago, i used to attend ALL the meetings. i, along with others, tried to tell them about the cost of maintenance, upkeep, personal to clean , etc. they don't care!!!!

Anonymous said...

Grants are NOT loans. Local government can apply for them and they are usually "matching" of varying percentages. So if they apply for a grant and it is 50/50, that means the borough will be given 50% of the money(which is taxpayers money from the grant source) and the borough then has to use 50% of its money (which is OUR local money) that we have paid them thru property taxes.

Anonymous said...

Seriously... how dare they get grant funding to put a WATER FOUNTAIN in at the most popular and used park in the borough. I've never been to a park with a WATER FOUNTAIN in it before. Outrageous.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who lives here know the people

Anonymous said...

Enough is enough the money pit is big enough! even if grants pay some tax payers pay the rest and maintain the pit , borough worker spend countless hours there , we pay 115,000 a year to have it managed, and why a bike station the trail is on the other side of the tracks and real bikers have there own tools etc. The advisors of the money pit just dump tax payers money into a bottomless pit, 95% of the people are not from Columbia and spend no money here and if they do it is for a drink , it will take 50 years to pay for a fountain at that rate and because of one we have a pet fountain. Who will clean this fountain not the management yup the borough with our tax money , Council wake up the town could look so much better with the millions that have been DUMPED into the MONEY PIT for a few Columbia citizens

Anonymous said...

bet it cost tax payers $5,000