Saturday, February 10, 2018

Draft Agenda - Borough Council Meeting February 12, 2018


Anonymous said...

Why does the borough manager need an assistant no other manager needed one. And people should be hired from Columbia who pay taxes.

Anonymous said...

Giving away a lot of money again. Why not ask the state to fund the light project on a state road. The Coffee Club is good at spending money!

Anonymous said...

The assistant borough manager missed the first council meeting of 2018 due to her obligation on the West Lampeter Township Zoning Board. That term runs until 2020. Sharon Lintner

Anonymous said...

the borough has money to donate to private companys like 208/210 project and now cherry st home. they are buying property like hotel locust ,401 locust,front street fire house,and what ever else they have back door bought. the river park prodject, $40,000 fence, paving a access road (heritage dr) that the R/R put in. A 100,000 dollar assistance b/manager to bring in other towns ideas. WHY DON'T THEY GIVE THE TOWNS TAX PAYERS A BREAK?????? It seams like it,s time to clean house from leo on down. Would this council use there own money like they are using the tax payers, I don't think so. If they give tax payers a break people would have money to fix up there homes. Managers should live in town to begin with and council should use tax payers money like they use there own.

Anonymous said...

Why do they need a ad/assistant when they have a b/manager assistant ???? What does dellinger do anyway????

Anonymous said...

why do they have to hire a consultant for a unneeded 3rd part of a river park prodject?? maybe dellinger could find time from l/s job to work in columbia for her money she is being paid now.65,000 dollars of tax payers money. whats is this council thinking???????

Anonymous said...

All she talks about it what other towns are doing we ARE COLUMBIA. Is she double dipping? More people need to attend these council meetings and maybe something would be differently done.

Anonymous said...

Who comes up with the 60 lite idea? come on people are you trying to run tax payers out of Columbia? some of the streets are so bad shouldn't they come before digging and running wiring to install 60 lites? does't someone on council or in management have common sence??? DOES THE BOURGH HAVE TO MUCH TAX PAYER MONEY?????

Anonymous said...

So where is her obligation to her employer, that pays her salary?

Anonymous said...

Have to agree, why 60 lights when the streets are horrible. The borough has a list and that's the order in which the streets will get paved. It certainly doesn't go by priority. Believe​ me, you'll never get anywhere with the street paving. If I lived on Walnut Street, I would stop paying taxes until the street was paved. That has gone on too long.

Anonymous said...

Is the coffee club secret code for something?

Anonymous said...

So they decided to not give the Home of Hope $30,000 but voted instead for $10,000. It was a 4-3 vote with Cle, John and Fran descending. Just seems like the vorobor can't give money away fast wnenou. Get in line folks, put your hand out, see what you get.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please stop the spending, your killing Columbia Taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Wow,20.30 an hour?

Unknown said...

Administrative Assistant should not be making $20.30 per hour. That comes out to $42K per year for an assistant. A college grad with a good GPA would be a whole lot cheaper with future potential. Is this a replacement or a new position with Columbia Borough?

We thought the police department was a large overhead. Turns out the municipal office is taking the lead on over staffing the cramped office space.

Anonymous said...

I like to change the subject. What is up with the Gas company or whomever digging up Walnut Street from 5th street up to 8th and North 7th Street. when they leave all they do is PATCH the holes they dug up. as cars go up and down these now uneven roads and damage your cars Struts, tires etc. When is the Borough going to paved these streets? When I ask?

Anonymous said...

Way too much tossing away of money for administrators/managers/consultants. Seriously this is a very small town not Philadelphia. You council members need to get off Wall Street and take a long walk on Walnut St to get your memory back. Small town small money. It's ok to have ideas but seriously get real with them.

Anonymous said...

what does the union have to say about some of this back door stuff?