Sunday, February 4, 2018

About Town

Recent photos from around Columbia...

 An attempt at shooting the superblue blood moon. Unfortunately, as the lunar eclipse began, the clouds moved in, as is often the case with trying to watch celestial events from town.

 Sticker shock!

 Still more sticker shock!

Invasion of the yellow dumpsters!

 There they are - right off Lawrence Street.

Fortunately, the cavalry has arrived - the gray dumpsters over on Florence!


This past Saturday at River Park - The river was freezing again...


 Saturday afternoon: A medical incident on the Veterans Memorial Bridge caused this car to end up in the opposing lane. Several departments responded - Columbia Borough, West Hempfield, Wrightsville Borough.


Sunday morning at the bridge plaza...

Sign down!

 Broken off at the base

 A clean break

 Meanwhile, on the other side...

 A flat tire?

 The one on the other side is looking kind of flabby, too.

 Good thing the other cannon has wooden wheels. They're not flat, just weathering badly.

Back down at River Park (Sunday morning). Mother Nature has left a lot of damage in her wake...

 This bald cypress might never be the same.

 Debris, ice, and mud


 And a lot of seagull footprints

 There they are.

Another sign down


 On the first block of Walnut - The parking lot project is progressing.

 Right up the street, there's a hubcap... a tree.

 February is heart month.

 Coming soon at 301 Locust

 Be a hero.

 The crypt keeper left a dust pan this time.

 This signpost along Route 441 (near the bottom of Plane Street) once held the metal sign shown below. The sign went missing at least five years ago. Columbia Spy did a post in 2013 HERE that linked to a lancasteronline article. A similar sign stands in Locust Street Park along Route 462.

This is the sign that went missing at least five years ago.

 Call maintenance.

 On the wing of the weeping angel

 Near 2nd & Mill...

...the big red choo-choo!


Anonymous said...

The street sign for Plane Street at route 441 is also missing.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone else knows about the missing sign at Plane and 441. That was knocked down years ago. Why aren't these signs being replaced? These are signs with a purpose, they belong there.

Joe Lintner said...

There are several missing street signs around town.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Lawrence and Florence, maybe the dumpsters are there to begin dismantling the forgotten end of town.