Friday, November 25, 2016

Municipal Brief for Columbia November 23, 2016


Anonymous said...

The trolley: Spending $33,000 to make $9,000?


Anonymous said...

Well a profit is a profit!

Anonymous said...

The trolley is really cool, glad we have it. Maybe it will become more popular each year.

Anonymous said...

I dont care if it cost the tax payers money, it has to stay for all the visitors that come in town!!

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the service will be put out to bid, or will this be another case of questionable legality?

Anonymous said...

The Trolley was awesome and many people enjoyed it.
It's a start and I hope the route changes periodically.
We need to showcase more of the Historic District and our Treasures!
Full Steam Ahead

Anonymous said...

No wonder this town is broke. It "has to stay"? Give me (and my taxes) a break.

Sharon said...

The trolley was great and in a large part due to the driver, Andre. No other bids will be able to buy personality like he has. I'm not happy about the lost revenue either, but I am in favor of keeping the trolley. It's presence adds charm to the town.

Anonymous said...

The borough owes it to the taxpayers to put a service like this out to bid. But the larger question: Why is the borough fronting the cost for a service that benefits only a few organizations/businesses? Let the Chamber, CDDC or someone else pony up the money. Why is the whole town on the hook for this money-losing venture *again*?

Anonymous said...

One trolley is not enough, there should be two trolleys!! Money should not be an issue here! One trolley takes to long.

Anonymous said...

$24,000 (at least) in the hole. Think how many hours of OT that could buy the police department? But hey, we'd rather have a bus doing laps around town.

Anonymous said...

I want at least TEN trolleys. Money is no object. Then we can turn the market house into a trolley barn to hold them. Also, we need a Club Good Times Trolley. I mean, they already have poles in them (the trolleys, that is).