Sunday, November 13, 2016

Draft Agenda for November 14, 2016 Columbia Borough Council Meeting


Anonymous said...

What is the reasoning behind buying the fire company building?

Santa Claus said...

Was told this morning that one of our esteemed and appointed council persons asked a question last week at safety when approving the Santa Parade about the number of Santas coming to Columbia, thinking there are too many. How stupid.

Anonymous said...

To move the market for renovations.

Anonymous said...

I believe that they are having a hard time selling it. The fire company own building and the Borough owns land. Make for easier sell if it's combined.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't the Columbia No. 1 file for bankruptcy so Susquehanna Fire Co. did not absorb their debt. Now Susquehanna Fire Company wants the taxpayer to take one for the Gipper.
If Borough Council votes to take on the debt that No. 1 created, get them out of office.
Susquehanna Fire Co. knew about this debt from day one. We love their service, but not their tactics.

Say no Council!

Anonymous said...

All great stories till I hit Columbia Boro Council Agenda.
1. Clean up your old promises and business.
2. The town is financially suffering, get it yet? Stop spending
3. The lower end of our town is over run by slum lords and drug dealers,,, DO SOMETHING!
4. Our Police need help,,, DO SOMETHING!
5. Codes,,,, good luck.
The list goes on, Bottom Line, LISTEN TO THE TAXPAYERS

Joe Lintner said...

There's one fire company, the Columbia Borough Fire Department, which was created when the borough pushed the two companies to consolidate.

Anonymous said...

Could not have put that in better words. But you for got number 6: Stop the personal agendas for those serving on Borough Council.

Anonymous said...

How about the volunteers there stop volunteering and you pay for a full time fire department. I'm sure you and the rest of town would want to pay for that instead.

Anonymous said...

Let the volunteers out of this. They do their service because they choose to.
Kudos to each Volunteer.

Anonymous said...

You're still talking about #1, Susquehanna, blah blah blah. There is only one company COLUMBIA BOROUGH FIRE DEPARTMENT! So stupid.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just move out?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you buy my properties at a fair market value?

Unknown said...

Who are you and what do you have to offer?

Anonymous said...

A property owner who maintains his properties and pays taxes.

Anonymous said...

Stop with the move out crap. People that have invested money here and pay taxes should never be told to just move out. They have as much right to be here as you do. Telling them to move out so the powers that be can continue their personal agendas unhindered by those that dare question them is insane.